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Everything posted by mountaintree16

  1. @ Falkra You are welcome too Thank you for explaining that to me too! Now it makes much more sense to me As for your comments about the changelog, I agree!
  2. @ Falkra He said it well too You're right, a lot of people do seem to be obsessed with memory usage. Thanks for explaining all that to me, it makes more sense now
  3. @ swagger Ah, okay. That's what I meant to say, and that definitely makes more sense
  4. @ Nosirrah re the ask toolbar, Do you mean to say that ask.com wants to add their toolbar onto the Malwarebytes program or add it into the installation? Edit: Nosirrah, please disregard, this has been answered.
  5. @ srtools1980y This is very true! Well said
  6. @ srtools1980y I'm sorry, I misunderstood you. I read it backwards, I apologize.
  7. @ Exile re the networking sites comment, Yep, this certainly is a big way to get infected I have all but stopped using Myspace, as I have discovered that it is not nearly as secure as Facebook, which I also use :/ I basically don't use any applications, though (just two, which I hardly use, so I should just get rid of those too) and I have told anyone that will listen to avoid clicking ANY links that people post, especially fishy looking ones, and I have also told them to be extremely careful when using applications... I hope they listen! I am very careful on Facebook I wont' touch Twitter, to be honest. I do check the MBAM twitter though, once in a while
  8. @ Mona I found that out about pop-out windows earlier this year. It's easy to think you should just click the red X but nope this is not the case! Thankfully these are few and far between due to built-in browser pop ups, but you still get em once in a while.
  9. @ srtools1980y Are you sure? I thought it was a good idea to clear the browser cache?
  10. @ Exile I know your last post wasn't to me, but I just wanted to pipe in and say that at least for me, Spyware Doctor slowed down my system considerably. My system would crawl. I had to ask for a refund. Nothing like that at ALL for Malwarebytes I hardly notice it running in the background! All I need to see is the little red and white M in the taskbar
  11. @ Sphinx You're welcome. I hope that you're able to figure this out. At any rate, if you so choose, you could disable the IP blocking just when visiting that site, then re-enable it when you are finished visiting that website. (and the same goes for any other website that you wish to visit that is being blocked, of course, if in doubt of its maliciousness or not, you should post a new thread in this forum about it ) I have just been informed that I should not be posting in this forum anymore unless I am making my own, new post, so this will be my last post in this thread. Good luck
  12. @ Ron30350 It sounds like you have a lingering infection on board that might need some more powerful tools to remove it. When was the last time you updated mbam, was it recently? Please, follow the instructions that Prairie Dog posted to take care of this! As for problem #2 - you want to quarantine the item unless you know WITHOUT a doubt that the process isn't malicious. This is Malwarebytes realtime protection in action - preventing you from getting infected in the first place!
  13. @ Sphinx Try reading through this thread: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.p...st&p=128057 It might help clear up some questions you may have, I'm not sure.
  14. @ Mystery Ah, okay, thanks. Edit: Thank you for clarifying for me what resolves means
  15. @ Sphinx Thanks for the additional info Hmmm so I guess what you are saying is that this page you are trying to see, currently its unfinished, so it is a parking page, and adverts are on it currently then? I guess that one or more of these adverts then are malicious and that is why you are being blocked from seeing the site? And what does resolves mean? Sorry, I was reading through the rest of this thread and I had no idea what these terms meant
  16. @ Mystery Thank you for explaining this to me! I appreciate it. I understand what you mean now.
  17. @ Mystery, Just a quick question for you, what is a parking server and what does parking mean in Web terms?
  18. How do you tell how much memory (in terms of mb, etc...) a program is using? Edit: I think I just figured it out MBAM Pro loads pretty quickly for me, and it doesn't bog down my system I agree with Falkra also, I don't think it is necessary for us all to post, I was just posting because I am curious myself to see how much it uses.
  19. @ Bobc11 Sorry this is so late. Mint chocolate chip is still one of my favorites. It was the top until I discovered Moose Tracks hehe both are absolutely delicious!!
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