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Everything posted by mountaintree16

  1. @ hkaurk22 Ah ha. I think that that may be your problem more likely than not (even if they aren't running) but I am not positive. I would strongly recommend uninstalling BOTH of those programs (and be sure to restart your system after doing so). Also, as a side note, when you reply to someone, you can just erase what the person you are replying to said and just say their user name and then continue replying or type an @ symbol and then their name like I have done, makes reading through things a lot easier sometimes, especially if what the person said prior is long.
  2. @ hkaurk22 Hmm. Sounds like its not hotmail then? But I'm not sure. Do you have any P2P programs installed? (Example, Limewire...) Please post all of the IP's and their corresponding website or type of website that you are having trouble with in a new thread in the False Positives forum for someone to review. (just because this one is getting a little long and maybe confusing at this point).
  3. @ hkaurk22 Try this. Close out ANY instant messaging programs, any other open browser windows or tabs that you have, clear your internet history, and then open a new window and go to hotmail. See if anything pops up with an IP address on it.
  4. As for your exclusions question "I wish they had an exception list for different websites. any idea how to control this feature?" As far as I know this is going to be a new feature in the next version of Malwarebytes Edit: I am also not having any problems with hotmail. As for the IP question, someone who knows the answer will get back to you on that as soon as they are able
  5. @ catscomputer Ah, I see. Might you be able to speak with someone about you possibly being able to update Adobe etc (at least on the computer that you use at work) or would this be a big no no? That's good that you only use it for work stuff. @ YoKenny1 You have an excellent point there. It's too bad though, they (IT staff) should KNOW that certain things need updating... :/
  6. @ careswho22 I made an edit to my first post to you, please check it out. ah hah. You may have possibly gotten an infection off of that computer then. Do you still have access to that computer? I'd do a scan on it with Malwarebytes to make sure its not infected, and post the logs for your computer also. Also do a quick scan of the usb drive as well. That does all sound quite frustrating.
  7. @ onepost You may need to restart your computer after updating. Also, are you running XP or something different for your Operating System?
  8. @ careswho22 I unfortunately don't really have an answer to your question but I wanted to know what formatting a USB is? Or rather how its done? i have never heard of anyone doing that and didn't even know that that was possible. Edit: Please DEFINITELY do the instructions that Prairie Dog posted to you Sounds like you may have an infection on board. Also, it looks like a worm was/is on your USB somehow Did you get it new or used or did someone give it to you?
  9. @ Nosirrah Thank you! That answers my question
  10. I've never had to give a pill to a cat but I imagine that it's not easy! It was hard enough trying to give liquid medicine to a cat - we had to mix it in wet food heh.
  11. @ arfamow You're very welcome! I'm glad that you were able to cancel your card account! I'm glad that Malwarebytes saved your computer and that we were able to help you prevent getting further frauded with potential credit card fraud. Hmm you might want to give the exact website name and the exact link to the page it came from to MystermFCM as well. Good job notifying MSN and Google. I hope that they'll take some action!!
  12. Please check out this topic for more information on the IP blocking: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=21076 Please post your concern here here: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.p...w_post&f=42 Also please see this before you do so: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=20806
  13. hmmm were you able to run HiJackThis? http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=9573 HiJackThis program link: http://www.trendsecure.com/portal/en-US/_d.../HJTInstall.exe Second link found here: * Scan and Log ProceduresPlease download this program Trend Micro HijackThis to your desktop. * Double-click on it to run and install it. * Then launch the program and click on Do a system scan and save a logfile. This log file will open in Notepad. * Please start a Newtopic here and post the most recent Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware log file and HijackThis log file using Copy/Paste. * The Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware log file is located in the Logs tab of the program.
  14. @ catscomputer are you able to do any updates yourself, at least on the computer that you use?
  15. You can turn off the IP protection while you are on that website then turn it back on when you are done if you wish The IP protection and the other protection are seperate; so even if you turn off the IP protection, the other protection will still be active
  16. I'd like to add that you shouldn't have more than one AV installed at a time as this can cause problems.
  17. You're welcome. Good! Good luck! In the future, try to do a little more research before you buy something online, especially computer software Can save you a lot of hassle, and possible computer damage and/or theft.
  18. I'd also recommend getting your card number changed as well, to add onto what Mystery said, to be on the safe side.
  19. Ah, okay. What its doing is blocking a malicious or something thats hosted on a range that is malicious, IP address. Edit: I see you've already posted it, thank you Please post in the link I gave you (I edited my first post in case you didnt' see) so this can be checked out to see if it was meant to be blocked or is actually a false positive.
  20. @ TeMerc Yeah :/ Very true. I meant more of what I said for MBAM users and not necessarily the landlords.
  21. EDIT: Please post this here: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showforum=42 So that it can be looked into further to see if it is a false positive or not. Thanks what is popping up? Do you have the paid, PRO version of Malwarebytes?
  22. @ TeMerc Excuse me for butting in here, but I just wanted to say that this is a great analogy! I never thought of it that way and I think that it (well hopefully) will help people understand better whats going on with the IP blocking and WHY.
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