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  1. Thanks for the new versioin, @jboursier. I have just deleted a couple of logfiles - it worked like a charm. Thank you very much!😀
  2. With the release of v8.2 it is possible to delete logfiles directly from the UI. Thank you so much.😀
  3. This is excellent news. Thank you very, very much!😀
  4. Thanks for your help, @nukecadYour batch file is a good workaround, but I still think it should be possible to get rid of old Adw log files with the help of Adw settings. It shouldn't be too hard to implement a user-friendly option that makes it possible to clear old Adw log files.
  5. No, this option does not exist. I don't want to UNINSTALL AdwCleaner. I'm just looking for an option to delete old log files. If you click the REMOVE button, this will also delete the quarantine, but this is not what I want.
  6. Again, thank you very much for your helpful reply, @exile360
  7. Good question. I also see a cmd window whenever I start AdwCleaner (latest version v8.0.7). I find it mildly annoying. Is this a bug or a feature?
  8. I know it is possible to delete old log files with the help of the file explorer (C:\ AdwCleaner\Logs). It would be great, however, if AdwCleaner itself provided an option to delete such log files.
  9. Running both EAM and MB Premium in real-time is probably OK if you have a newer computer with lots of RAM. My computer is not exactly new, and it feels a bit "heavy" running both programs in real time. However, there do not seem to be any compatibility conflicts (as far as I can tell). Just my 2 cents.
  10. The thing is that I felt a bit of a performance hit when I used Windows Defender and MB Premium. Admittedly, the performance hit was even more noticeable when I used third-party anti-malware apps. Emsisoft Anti-Malware has so far not caused any stability or performance problems, so it may be a keeper. Now I'm trying to find out if it also runs smoothly alongside MB Premium. I will soon find out.
  11. This is exactly what I'm doing now. Let's wait and see. Thanks for reply. Much appreciated.
  12. Hi! I would like to use Malwarebytes Premium and Emsisoft Anti-Malware. Are there any known compatibility issues if both MBAM Premium and EAM are run in real-time mode? Thanks for your help in advance.
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