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Everything posted by mountaintree16

  1. @ Sphinx Thanks for answering me Hmm, I am not sure whats going on here, I can't be of any further help unfortunately. Looks like you and Steven are figuring it out together
  2. @ Azlan Sorry I got back to you so late. Did you see it yet? How did you like it?
  3. @ Sphinx Does this happen when you only have one tab open? I don't think its related at all to the Malwarebytes website.
  4. @ Sphinx Hmm. Did it throw the IP alert when you went to the actual Malwarebytes website? Also, in the future, please erase what the person before you said when replying, and just write @ username like I did to address you This makes the forum easier to read. Hmm... I'll let Steven take it from here... I'm not sure what happened then.
  5. @ Sphnix Did you click on the sponsored link? And that site is most definitely NOT Malwarebytes, as Steven said.
  6. @ RubbeR DuckY woohoo I'm excited to hear that something might be out soon, thanks for the update Might I also suggest, if it hasn't been already, a shirt fitted for the ladies as well?
  7. @ Exile Sure, sounds great. Thank you
  8. @ Exile I think I'd have to install a trial again, as we have no disc and the program did not come with the computer, and I agree either way, it would be a pain I think I'll take you up on that at some point, but not tonight, going to sleep soon Thanks
  9. @ Exile Ah, okay. Darn, I was hoping it would go away with the uninstallation of the Office trial. At least I freed up 308 MB! Well, I trust you, so if you say its harmless to leave it there, I guess I'll just leave it then Thanks
  10. well, it doesn't appear to be bad, but I don't even have any Office programs anymore Thanks again for the info, I'll try it out sometime.
  11. I seem to have it running all the time in my processes... It appears to be a part of Microsoft Office. The only Microsoft on this computer was a 2007 Student Trial version, which I downloaded in 2007 and haven't used since 2 months after downloading it. I decided to uninstall it last night as it was not needed any longer, to free up space, and also to see if ctfmon.exe would go away. It has not gone away... I'm sure its harmless but I just want to check to make sure Does anyone know what ctfmon.exe is?
  12. @ Exile Ah, okay. That's it then? Sounds pretty simple Thanks!
  13. @ Exile How do you make Spybot portable so that you can immunize w/o installing it? What an awesome feature
  14. @ prairie dog Thanks for letting me know Darn, bad timing. I should have left the old .exe on there... at least it would have been something. I'll try again a few more times, otherwise I'll have to wait until next week
  15. I am trying to download Avira free for a computer that I was supposed to work on this afternoon. Now I am getting a Page Load Error/Connection interrupted message on Firefox. I tried downloading it in Internet Explorer as well. It's saying this: (and has a yellow triangle with a black !) Connection Interrupted The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading. The network link was interrupted while negotiating a connection. Please try again. And in Internet Explorer, Internet Connection failed or something like that. Any ideas on what might cause this? Or might it just be that Avira's server is down? Which is what I am afraid of?
  16. @ Robinb I am sorry that I misunderstood you. I'm glad that you were able to get ahold of AVG and that they are addressing the issue. Has the problem resolved yet?
  17. @ Rottie1 see if this helps: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.p...st&p=114390
  18. Please see here: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.p...st&p=107310 and further down on that page, here: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.p...st&p=124874 I hope this helps
  19. @ mona Thank you for your feedback as well! I appreciate it I am glad that I shouldn't expect to encounter any problems between those two
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