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Severe slowdown from MBAM

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Do you still get the performance problems with Website Blocking disabled? You can test by right-clicking the Malwarebytes' tray icon and unchecking Website Blocking. I ask simply because I know some users have had issues in Vista and 7 (including myself) with that particular feature causing high CPU usage and slow download speeds (something I've confirmed through testing to be fixed in the upcoming 1.46).

Thanks :D

I did try it with Website Blocking disabled. no change. I'm stumped. I think I'm finished troubleshooting this issue for the time being. I'll wait for the 1.46 release before I tackle this issue again.

Thanks for all the help and suggestions.

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Alrighty! I figured out what was causing the slowdown on my computer! :)

It was PC Tools Threatfire


It also has some issues with Alcohol 52% (cant install it or run it properly while Thretfire is turned on).

Another thing to consider: I had Threatfire long before the new mbam came out. So it would be nice someone could look into this... Threatfire is very useful, and I don't want to give it up that easily :)

Hope this helps!

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@dv986: With MBAM, I really don't think you need TF, unless you don't have any anti-virus.

I was recently having heavy slowdown problems with MBAM real-time and VIPRE a/v, but switching to AVAST! solved the incompatibility problem.

AVAST! free 5.0.507 works very well here on my old machine.

However I only installed the very basic file File Agent, none of the six other agents (web, email, network, etc.).

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Yes, well, this is exactly why I'm not so sure that I dont need it when I have mbam. TF is kind of like a missing link to the typical anti-malware/virus solutions and zero day threats. But i sure would remove it if mbam had a similar behavioral detection :P

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@ dv986 - And any others with Threatfire -

Threatfire is also classified as an add-on A/V - It acts as a 'secondary' A/V and Anti malware device -

If you have a decent A/V like Avast free or MSE then I don't think you actually need this as well -This seems to be your problem , as it is not required with your active MBAM program -

I think Ibrad and Fran

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@ dv986 - And any others with Threatfire -

Malware Research into "Zero Day" threats - From Malware Research Group, 3rd party research - Not from Malwarebytes - I think this is a great video -

TF is kind of like a missing link to the typical anti-malware/virus solutions and zero day threats.

All this from a Flash Scan in 28 seconds !!!!

Thank You - :)

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@ dv986 - And any others with Threatfire -

Malware Research into "Zero Day" threats - From Malware Research Group, 3rd party research - Not from Malwarebytes - I think this is a great video -

All this from a Flash Scan in 28 seconds !!!!

Thank You - :)

That was quite impressive! However, Threafire is not a scan based av. It monitors application behaviours and acts if it notices anything suspicious. Maybe it would even work for those those that mbam missed in this video?

Dont get me wrong, I'm not an expert. But isn't it handy to have a program that monitors behaviors, along side with programs that depend on their virus/malware database?

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@ dv986

Please read:

Symantec to Acquire PC Tools


Features Comparison ThreatFire Free needs Spyware Doctor with AntiVirus:

On-demand scanning to clean an infected PC

Ten Intelliguards to block threats in real-time


So you need PC Tools Spyware Doctor with AntiVirus the have Threatfire to be effective.

You do not show in your signature what anti virus application you use.

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@ dv986

Please read:

Symantec to Acquire PC Tools


Features Comparison ThreatFire Free needs Spyware Doctor with AntiVirus:

On-demand scanning to clean an infected PC

Ten Intelliguards to block threats in real-time


So you need PC Tools Spyware Doctor with AntiVirus the have Threatfire to be effective.

You do not show in your signature what anti virus application you use.

Yes, but it also shows here http://www.threatfire.com/ that it works great with other antivirus solutions. Granted, it would be more effective with Spyware Doctor, but hey, I chose mbam. And since mbam (correct me if I'm wrong) doesnt have the "Real-time behavior-based protection", I dont see why it would be surplus to have TF as another layer of protection.

I also have G Data AV and Immunet AV running along everything else. I'm gonna put it in the signature, sorry :)

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Well I have the same problem. When I enable website blocking, my CPU usage jumps to 50% (dualcore CPU).

I have this problem since 1.45. My security software is Trend Micro Internet Security. I have already re-added the mbam files as exceptions.

Without the website blocking enabled, all is running well.

Hope that this problem will be fixed soon :)

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Greetings MTL :)

If your performance issues are specific to the Website Blocking module then the problem should be corrected when version 1.46 is released.

Is it the same as IP Blocking?

I disabled that altogether a few versions back with a registry key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\disableipblocking=1

People having this problem may try that to check if that solves it, no?

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Yes, it's the same as IP Blocking but now that setting is in the program's interface itself so there's no need to manually modify the registry any more:


Also, all you have to do to test if Website Blocking is the cause or not is right-click the Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware tray icon and uncheck Website Blocking to see if performance improves with it disabled or not.

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The paid Version has real time protection - - The free version has a scan After the event only -

Thank You - :)

I'm talking about BEHAVIOR based protection. I know mbam pro has real time protection, and I have it. But TF doesnt work like that. It monitor BEHAVIORS For example, if an application trying to connect to internet in the unexpected manner, TF temporarily blocks it tells you that this is a typical for a trojan behavior, and prompts you what you wanna do: let it though or block it. Now you see what I'm talking about?

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I'm having the slowdown problem with mbamservice.exe process. I'm running NO other anti-virus/malware software.

If I start my computer with malwarebytes disabled, my computer runs fine. Then if I start malwarebytes and start realtime protection, my computer slows to a crawl. If I open winamp, codeblocks, visual studio, photoshop, volume control, and some others i forget, mbamservice.exe spikes to 91% or so. Basically, if the rest of my processes are using say 5% CPU combined, mbamservice.exe will jump to 95%. It can take 45 seconds to open windows volume control, or any of the other programs listed.

I never had these problems with any previous versions of mbam. This started happening the day 1.45 installed itself.

Someone posted a link to mbam 1.44 and said not to update or it will install 1.45. Is it possible to run 1.44 with the newest definitions? At this point I'm just so frustrated and haven't received any real help on this issue. I tried the uninstall and clean and reinstall. No help.

I'll run 1.44 if I have to, as long as i can keep up to date definitions, and as long as this problem is fixed in 1.46. Otherwise I'll be looking to get a refund because I'm not paying for 9 more months of an unusable program. Hopefully that won't have to happen.


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Hi -

If you try to update from an edition of 1.44 then it will go to 1.45 - That is part of the update -

Note - You are not paying a yearly subscription for Malwarebytes , it is a full lifetime license - If you want to remove the paid version from that computer and use it on another one, then simply copy and paste the ID and Key onto another machine and remove it from the one with that you are not happy with - You can try running scans with the free version and compare it to the paid version -

Please reinstall your antivirus as Malwarebytes will not fully protect you from all infections -

Do you have any other Firewall installed also (Comodo or similar) apart from the standard Windows Firewall -

As a paying customer, please contact the help desk at support@malwarebytes.org

Thank You - :)

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Hi -

If you try to update from an edition of 1.44 then it will go to 1.45 - That is part of the update -

Note - You are not paying a yearly subscription for Malwarebytes , it is a full lifetime license - If you want to remove the paid version from that computer and use it on another one, then simply copy and paste the ID and Key onto another machine and remove it from the one with that you are not happy with - You can try running scans with the free version and compare it to the paid version -

Please reinstall your antivirus as Malwarebytes will not fully protect you from all infections -

As a paying customer, please contact the help desk at support@malwarebytes.org

Thank You - :)

Oh ok, thanks. It was 4 in the morning and I was blind drunk when i bought the license. Didn't mean to overreact. Thanks.

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