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Is MBAM compatable with Most AntiVirus software

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Is MBAM compatable with Most AntiVirus software

I purchased 2 Licenses yesterday and installed beside OneCare on my XP sp2 PC's

but friends are asking me is it compatable for most antivirus software

Because they have been reading that the words anti malware could mean a combo of antispyware/virus software

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MBAM is working fine with AVIRA AntiVir Personal Edition PREMIUM + Windows Defender + Zonealarm PRO (on XP Home SP2)

I suppose there are some problems in running it with SpySweeper 5.5, as 'protection module' on my desktop PC XP PRO SP2 doesn't work.. even though I'm not sure of course

best regards

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MBAM (resident) working fine on XP MCE 2005 with:

NOD32 v2.7

Comodo FWP 3.0 (D+ enabled)*

Comodo BOClean v4.25

*After scanning with MBAM, Comodo FWP 3 adds about 100 invalid entries to "My Pending Files". These files no longer exist.

This is not an MBAM bug, just a Comodo nuisance. To delete these entries:

FWP>Defense+>My Pending Files>[Purge] button>OK.

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i realize the focus of this thread is supposed to be on MBAM's compatability with anti-VIRUS software...

but I was wondering --- and what I believe to be more significant --- about any word on its compatability with other resident anti-malware programs???

I have been running a combination of Windows Defender, along with SpyBot's TeaTimer, on all my PCs [except for an older winME that doesn't support Defender]. I've recently added MBAM (resident) to one such system. I haven't noticed any conflicts [so far?]. and don't believe there's been any signficant slow down.

so just wondering how others --- especially Rubber Ducky --- feel about this: do you consider MBAM resident a viable replacement for Windows Defender? for TeaTimer? for both? or do you advocate running [some cobination of] these together with each other? and more generally, your advice toward running MBAM resisdent along with other resident anti-malware programs.

P.S. Howdy Joe!

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so just wondering how others --- especially Rubber Ducky --- feel about this: do you consider MBAM resident a viable replacement for Windows Defender? for TeaTimer? for both? or do you advocate running [some cobination of] these together with each other? and more generally, your advice toward running MBAM resisdent along with other resident anti-malware programs.

First of all you need to understand how TeaTimer and Defender work . TeaTimer is a heuristic system monitor that warns you when something is being changed and then allows you to make the call as to wheather or not you want this to happen . Defender is a definitions based antimalware application and only blocks what it knows is bad .

MBAM is more like Defender and they should not be used together if both are in protection mode . This is just like having two antivirus applications installed at the same time , conflicts can happen .

MBAM in either mode should be fine with TeaTimer and MBAM with Defender will be fine as long as one of them does not have active protection on .

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Guest remixed

Mbam works fine with.....wait for it...Trend Micro I/S 2008, which is pretty remarkable as nothing else does. Also ok with Kaspersky I/S 6.666 & 7.125 ,Zone Alarm I/S (latest), Spyware Doctor 5, Sunbelt and SuperAntispyware. Winantispyware wasn't too keen though...which is about as complimentary as you can get!

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Seams MBAM's realtime guard has a hard time with Online Armor v2.

With OA active I can not enable MBAM's guard, get error code 997.

If I disable OA I can enable the guard but when I turn OA back on the MBAM's guard is disabled.

This is the full and latest version of OA and latest version and most current updated defs of MBAM.

Online Armor

Edit: Just tried again and got the two working together............Hmmm strange.

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Hi Marci, Hi All

I'm sorry I'm late

I've just formatted my Toshiba Laptop and reinstalled XP Home SP2, and

MalwareBytes' Antimalware 1.0.x works fine with Spysweeper 5.5 + AVIRA AntiVir PREMIUM ;)

I'm going to try MalwareBytes Antimalware 1.0.2 just updated through internal updater on my desktop PC running XP PRO SP2,

I'll make you know.

Many thanks B)

best regards

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