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  1. @rswc Very kind of you. I speak and understand spanish, but I'm from Italy, whilst when I went to The United Kingdom, people thought I was from France lol. No need to apologize. of course. Glad I could give a little help See you, ciao, hola
  2. You're welcome. Those notifications are real because they tagged you, their requests aren't. They pretend to be Facebook. Perhaps some of your friends had their account hijacked or your account is public and anyone can tag you. Please set your account private (only your friend can see your posts, I mean) then go to your account privacy settings and set it to alert you when someone tag you. You'll be able to remove their tags and to report possible spam. I hope it helps Cheers (and sorry for my poor english)
  3. Hi @rswc it's phishing. Those accounts are compromised ones. Never click on their links. I had reported both earlier to phishtank, hopefully these malicious sites will be taken down soon see, please, my submissions https://www.phishtank.com/phish_detail.php?phish_id=7435854 https://www.phishtank.com/phish_detail.php?phish_id=7436489 I'd recommend to replace the e-mail address you use for FB with another one, to use a password manager (ie: BitWarden, open source and free) and to enable 2 Factor authentication Cheers
  4. Hi, as long as you don't run any apk file your device should not be infected. Install Apps only from Google PlayStore, install Malwarebytes for Android (you can use it for free with some limitation) and run a scan. Stay safe
  5. It's a indeed the same message I received and posted here @idd00jea es una estafa. ignora el mensaje, es falso
  6. Sorry for my intrusion. Did you run a scan with Emsisoft Emergency Toolkit maybe? I'm asking 'cause I experienced the same issue. If so, it is a False Positive detection, just an interference Please see https://support.emsisoft.com/topic/34606-eek-20211-windows-defender/ Cheers
  7. [edit] sorry, I didn't notice AdvancedSetup's reply hi, do you use a password manager? I use Bitwarden (freeware, open source, multi-device and multi-language). These people use some tool to log in with the credentials found to access several sites at the same time, you may want to read https://www.troyhunt.com/password-reuse-credential-stuffing-and-another-1-billion-records-in-have-i-been-pwned/ Sorry for my english I hope it helps
  8. Received and downloaded. It works nicely (iPadOS 14.2) Thank you
  9. Sorry for taking too long to reply. Thank you very much for solving the issue. Cheers
  10. Hi alvarnell, thank you for your reply. I found out that Comodo Valkyrie dectected a file hosted in an article dated back in 2014, sorry I was not aware of it, I have to take care of our forum. This one https://verdict.valkyrie.comodo.com/url/domain/result?domain=turbolab.it Date scanned Verdict URL 2019-05-22 03:21:42 Malware turbolab. it / scarica/4 Downloaded Files (1) Date scanned Verdict Hash 2019-05-22 03:21:16 PUA c79c89094a5ff8ab68626ce58137904daf192764 ---------- The file has been since removed VT results https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/352929745de1c4c7fa7d825e63a3ea3562bcc96424a0dc94e21a69878a81d0f6/detection Comodo, Rising AV and Nano Antivirus detect it as a PuP. I posted a removal request at the Comodo Forum (I was the only member logged in... ) https://forums.comodo.com/av-false-positivenegative-detection-reporting/turbolabit-detected-as-malicious-by-valkirie-verdict-removal-request-t126131.0.html Whilst Malwarebytes Browser Guard ( that I beta tested as well as I beta tested Malwarebytes Antimalware 0.97 time ago) detects because of "Reputation", not sure what malwarebytes means for "reputation" there is no malware, no malicious URL in our forum, no questionable content as far as I know. Thank you again for your advice, we'll wait for a Malwarebytes Staff response. With kind regards
  11. Hello. It appears that malwarebytes browser guard detects turbolab.it (only when you visit its forum) due to "reputation" It is an italian site with a forum about computers (Windows 10 / Android /Linux), it doesn't host any file. I'm not the site owner, I'm just a member ( a voluntary moderator to be exact). Can you please check then delist it? Thank you in advance. Cheers see also https://sitecheck.sucuri.net/results/https/turbolab.it https://unmask.sucuri.net/security-report/?page=https%3A//turbolab.it/ https://www.urlvoid.com/scan/turbolab.it/
  12. Sorry for taking too long to reply. Thank you for addressing the issue. I do not know what caused it, I have too security and privacy extensions, I think I shall remove some :) Regards
  13. Hi all, Eset online scanner is currently blocked. Although I check "Do not block this site again for scam" Malwarebytes Browser Guard is unable to remember the setting. Please whitelist it. Thanks
  14. I'm accustomed to report phishing URLs to ESET, Google, Netcraft, Microsoft, HPhosts forum and phishtank. Malwarebytes for Chrome blocks hxxp://phishing.eset.com/report/ita (safe to visit). I attached a screenshot. It is a false positive detection. Please fix it. Cheers
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