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Email Security Breach

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Received 2 emails one after the other with "No Sender" as the return email address. Took 3-4 tries (highlight-delete...did not open) before I could delete them, as they would simply reappear in my inbox, and when they finally did delete, they simply disappeared and did not show up in my email trash or junk file (initially tried to junk them). Took 2-3 tries before I could highlight and delete my trashed emails in the trash file as well. No issues showed up in my Malwarebytes scan...but when I tried to login to Malwarebytes to find info on this, the "I am not a Robot" checkbox would not initially work, but it later did. This leads me to believe  my computer security may have been compromised, but as nothing shows in my Malwarebytes scans, I am not sure what (if anything) I can do about this. Any ideas?  thx

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  • Root Admin

Good day @JKB

Hopefully one of the Macintosh support members will be along soon to assist you.

I would suggest you go ahead though and create a support ticket just in case as that may take a few days for a reply


Consumer Support



Thank you


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Hello @JKB and :welcome::

1. What email reading app and its version were you using when you encountered the issue?

2. What version number of macOS is installed?

3. A few traces, in that Mac, may be left that could be helpful. Before any clues may be deleted, please run the following diagnostic utility, but retain the output (MBST-Mac.zip) until its disposition can be determined:

Upload logs to your ticket using the Malwarebytes Support Tool for Mac

Thank you.

Edited by 1PW
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  • Staff

If you're using Apple's Mail app, I've seen similar things, with messages identified as having no sender and having no content. This is not a security issue, but is probably the result of mailbox corruption within the Mail app's data. You should try rebuilding the mailbox where this message appeared. Select that mailbox, then choose Rebuild from the Mailbox menu. This may take some time, depending on how many messages are in the mailbox and (assuming you're using IMAP) how fast your network connection is for re-syncing from your online mailbox.

Although I've never (to my knowledge) lost any e-mail data because of this kind of mailbox corruption, I'd still recommend making sure you're backing up your computer regularly. This is one of the most important things you can do to protect the integrity of your data.

I'm not clear where you were seeing the "I am not a robot" box, but if it was while trying to log in to your Malwarebytes account, I'd guess that this was just some kind of glitch with your web browser. These things can sometimes be caused by an ad blocker accidentally blocking some web content that it shouldn't, but the fact that the problem went away by itself suggests it was just a glitch. I'd recommend restarting your browser, if you haven't done so in a long time, and the same goes for your computer as well. I'm just as guilty as most about not restarting, and have been known not to restart for months... but I have absolutely found that longer uptimes do increase the chances of random glitches.

Fortunately, none of this is an indication that your computer has been compromised.

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This may not be related but when I send previously read emails to trash, then hit delete, I will sometime have a few that do not disappear, but reflect no sender, no subject.  See the partial screen shot. Clicking inbox and all goes away.  


Edited by brcd
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