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Malwarebytes Browser Guard added automatically itself in my browser

Go to solution Solved by Cristallo,

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Hi everyone,
I need support with Malwarebytes Browser Guard.
The extension is automatically installing itself without my knowledge.



Few months ago, I have installed Malwarebytes Antivirus and in the installation window I could also select to install Malwarebytes Browser Guard and I did it.

I uninstalled Malwarebytes Antivirus because I didn't need it anymore and, also, I have removed the extension on all my browsers.
Unfortunately, when I open browsers, or I create a new browser profile a notification pops up.

The notification says: A program it's trying to install the extension "Malwarebytes Browser Guard" with allow or remove it buttons.


This situation is really annoying me, is there some way to delete this Malwarebytes program?


I have already deleted Malwarebytes folders [in Programs and Programs (x86)] but it doesn't change anything. 
So, it means that the program that install Malwarebytes' extension is located in another place on my PC.

I attached some photos to show what I see on my browsers when I open them.

Information summary:

  1. BROWSERS: Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge (updated at last public version)
  2. HOW IT HAPPENS: Installation with Malwarebytes Antivirus, as an addictional feature.
  3. WHEN IT HAPPENS: Opening of new browser window or creating new browser profile.
  4. WHAT I HAVE ALREADY DONE: Folders Programs and Programs [x86] are deleted. Extension in my browser was manually removed (but a program is still adding it). Browser cookies are removed. Malwarebytes Antivirus is unistalled.



  • Photos’ content is in Italian, but the content is explained here above.
  • Malwarebytes Browser Guard was NOT installed through "Chrome Web Store", instead was installed by Malwarebytes Antivirus.



Thanks in advance for your support,




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I remember that I uninstall Malwarebytes Antivirus in the proper way by following program's instructions.

Anyways, I reinstalled Malwarebytes Antivirus.
After that I used the repair tool, as you advise me, but what you can see in the video happen.

A window to install Malwarebytes Privacy (VPN) shows up, but I just pressed "Clean".
Uhm, actually, I didn't ask to install a VPN, the program advised, I think was just supposed to remove all Malwarbytes' programs.
So, why is it asking me to install Malwarbytes VPN??? 


Unfortunally, this is just another annoying thing.


Seems like Malwarbytes repair tool removed all Malwarbytes programs, but browser problem remains. I mean, Malwarebytes Browser Guard still pops up.

So, nothing really changes.

I am sad for these inconveniences; I don't really know what to think about everything.

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51 minutes ago, Cristallo said:

Seems like Malwarbytes repair tool removed all Malwarbytes programs, but browser problem remains. I mean, Malwarebytes Browser Guard still pops up.

So, nothing really changes.

I am sad for these inconveniences; I don't really know what to think about everything.

Uninstall and reinstall Chrome.

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  • Root Admin

Hello @Cristallo

Sorry for the trouble. Yes, the MBST tool does offer to install Privacy VPN even though a customer may not have it installed. We're working on correcting that issue. It also typically offers the Malwarebytes Browser Guard twice as well, but in theory canceling the Privacy installer will cancel the Browser Guard offer as well.

Please run the tool again and gather the logs and post them back and I'll assist you in removing the Browser Guard



NOTE: The tools and the information obtained are safe and not harmful to your privacy or your computer, please allow the programs to run if blocked by your system.

  • Download the Malwarebytes Support Tool or if you already have it already then open it.
  • In your Downloads folder, open the mb-support-x.x.x.xxx.exe file
  • In the User Account Control pop-up window, click Yes to continue the installation
  • Run the MBST Support Tool
  • In the left navigation pane of the Malwarebytes Support Tool, click Advanced
  • In the Advanced Options, click Gather Logs. A status diagram displays the tool is Getting logs from your machine
  • A zip file named mbst-grab-results.zip will be saved to your desktop, please upload that file on your next reply

Thank you


  • Thanks 1
  • Haha 1
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