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Long delay AntiMalware Icon to Display

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Just purchased Malwarebyte's AntiMalware.

Seems when I log into my Standard account in Vista Basic sp2 it takes over 2 minutes after the desktop shows and other start up programs icons show before AniMalware's icon is displayed in the notification area.

I purchased and activated the product from my Administrative account. (not sure if that has anything to do with it but the icon displays right away in that account).

Is this normal?


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Computer and browser slowness are not always malware related

Poor performance and other problems can be the result of disk fragmentation, disk errors, corrupt system files, too many startup programs, unnecessary services running, not enough RAM, dirty hardware, etc. As your system gets older it becomes filled with more files/programs and has a natural tendency to slow down so cleaning and regular maintenance is essential.

Listed below are a few things you can do to improve speed and system performance. Many of the these suggestions will apply if you're using Windows Vista but may be done a bit differently. Near the bottom of this thread there is a section specifically devoted to Vista Users.

For browser problems, see:

If your having connectivity issues or errors such as Page cannot be displayed see

If you're using Vista or Internet Explorer 7, see

If you have a lot of toolbars and add-ons attached to Internet Explorer, you could try improving performance by disabling those which are unecessary. See:

[*]Control Internet Explorer Add-ons with Add-on Manager

[*]Troubleshooting and Internet Explorer

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The icon shows up late on Vista to try and minimize compatibility issues. It basically start after all of the other services have started.

Now from your description, I take it that you are also experiencing a slowdown during bootup? Or and I reading too deeply into your question?

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  • Root Admin

Just want to set the record straight. That is not my document. I copied it from someone else. Who authored it I'm not sure as it did not have that information in the post.

As soon as I get more free time I'll try to review it and update it as I'm sure by now some of the links must be old or out dated by now.

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I am experiencing the same "lag" during startup as well. And I have minimal items loading.

The lag on Vista isn't based on the number of startup items. It's based on the number of services, and how long it takes them to load. Most services give no visible indication that they are loading, so unless you watch your hard drive activity light, then you would have no idea they were still loading.

For more information on services in Windows Vista, please check out this Microsoft "Windows Help" article.

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I do most maintenance like that. Clean my browser a couple, times a day defrag my hard drive onvce a month....

Alhtough the icon appears in the notification area right away now, why did the other 2 icons appear right away when the antimalware icon take so long?


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... why did the other 2 icons appear right away when the antimalware icon take so long?

Because it's start type is set to delayed, and Windows will not even try to load it until all of the other services have already finished loading. If the start type was set to automatic, then it would be one of the first to load, but that has been known to cause freezing issues with some anti-virus software on Vista so the default is delayed start to prevent those issues.

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