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VPN should have no effect on price as it is being purchased in the US, being used in the US, and I believe if using a VPN it just changes the location from one spot to another spot in the US. To answer your question I am not using a VPN. I believe a US tax would be more appropriate then a VAT tax if you live in the US.

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Yes, it has to be an IP issue.  For whatever reason the purchase page is registering a European IP I bet.  No idea why it is happening as I'm not on your network obviously, but that would be the reason as purchase pages typically use the user's IP address to determine their location.  If you are attempting to make the purchase through a company network on their premises I would advise checking with your IT staff to have them investigate what might be causing the issue as I am certain they would be able to track it down, especially if you are using one of their systems on their local network.

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More than anything, while purchasing, the user info, his contact address etc. would have been provided, which should be the basis for any billing and not IP and if Ip differs from contact location, then it should have been sorted out then 7 there by sales / It team. something  which ought to be looked into.

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