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What does the number mean


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The number shows how many items are currently being blocked. (Or should do).

These may be ads, click bait, trackers,  whatever.

I believe that if you have multiple tabs open then it shows the total for all open tabs.

You should be able to see what they are in the extension GUI.

Edited by nukecad
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I'm on the phone so going from memory, if you click on the icon it should open the GUI and show a list by name of what is being blocked for the current website.

PS. I don't usually see that many for the MB forum, but maybe Adblock is getting to them first?


Edited by nukecad
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  • Staff

The count is for the current site you are viewing.  The count will increase as you navigate the site and additional items are blocked.  If you open the UI (by clicking on the icon with the number) you should see for the forums the only item listed is www.googletagmanager.com.  There are some google tags on the page to anonymously see what elements are being clicked to determine if any items need to be improved.  This shows that we block our own items the same way we would any site.

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We do bonfire night on 5th November to commerate an attempt to blow up our parliament in 1605.

We like to remind the politicians each year, especially the idiots we have at the moment.

Of course trick or treat has taken off over here in the last 20 years or so. Kids will always pick up something that gives them free treats.

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