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"Get Full Protection" Link


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Why am I still seeing this link in both Firefox and Chrome Malwarebytes Browser Guard while I am already running Malwarebytes Premium for Mac? Should this link disappear when running Premium?


Screen Shot 2019-09-07 at 12.06.02 PM.png

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It does the same on Windows; I suspect it doesn't detect when Malwarebytes Premium is already installed (and likely can't since it is confined to the browser which basically renders it blind to the entire system outside the browser, basically keeping it within a sandbox).

That said, I will provide this feedback to the Product team and hopefully they can work out a resolution for it.

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59 minutes ago, Krusty said:

Hi Dave,

Good question!


Hi Dave. I thought it was a good question too. LOL :)

55 minutes ago, exile360 said:

I will provide this feedback to the Product team and hopefully they can work out a resolution for it.

Thank you exile360. :)

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9 hours ago, AdvancedSetup said:

That is correct. The code does not currently detect an installed Premium version. This is on the list of issues to hopefully be addressed in a future update.



Thank you Ron. :)

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  • Staff

This illustrates a root problem of having no way to identify your user base.  If you don't have people do a minimal registration you don't have a way to know which of your products they are using so you annoy them with links to things they already have.  This is a reason why we are asking for email address (with NO other personally identifiable information).  


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2 hours ago, gatortail said:

This illustrates a root problem of having no way to identify your user base.  If you don't have people do a minimal registration you don't have a way to know which of your products they are using so you annoy them with links to things they already have.  This is a reason why we are asking for email address (with NO other personally identifiable information).  

I'm guessing this means there is no way programmatically to detect when Malwarebytes is already installed or Premium is already active?  I assumed that was the case since it resides within the browser's process and is essentially sandboxed in (at least as I understand it that's how extensions function in Chrome, Firefox and most other browsers these days for security reasons).  That said, while I hear what you're saying, with all of the privacy issues these days, especially with all these data breaches, I can understand why users might be apprehensive about providing their email addresses.  However, perhaps providing an option to associate a user's My.Malwarebytes.com account with all of their installed Malwarebytes tools/products might be a solution.  Like perhaps an option for it either to detect, or for users to select items from a list which products and tools they use/have installed on each of their systems.  It could also be handy for managing updates and being able to easily reinstall (like after an OS reinstall or when switching to a new system) by providing direct download links (or links to the Google Web Store in the case of MBG) should the user need to re-download and reinstall it and their other Malwarebytes software.  Malwarebytes Windows Firewall Control, ADWCleaner and other Malwarebytes products/tools could be listed there as well.  That would provide tracking for which users have which products/tools installed and where, and if MBG can connect to the same licensing system used by Malwarebytes Premium, it shouldn't be an issue for it to keep track of whether or not the user has Premium installed and active on the current system.  Obviously that won't work for everybody, but at least for the Premium users who have set up their accounts it should do the job.

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