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Top Ten Ways To Get Infected


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I want recommendation regd. a soft which will work along with win patrol plus (layered protection).

Read what I use in my signature then Google for the installer.

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Thanks for your info.

Now I am clear.

I might just add that on my laptop and desktop I've used AVAST Free or McAfee as AV, Agnitum Outpost Pro or Sygate as firewalls, and have backed these up with MBAM Pro, SAS, and Spybot (without Tea Timer), and in the past I've used AdAware, AVG, and some others--and ALL of these worked well with WinPatrol PLUS.

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@ Exile

You beat me to it, and explained it better than I could have, good job!

@ wildbill & Exile

I always kill it with taskmanager, if anything pops up that's suspicious looking.

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It's because often times the red x isn't actually to close the window, it's scripted to do the same as pressing OK or Yes, which is obviously bad. Alt+F4 is the way to go, or kill IE's process through the task manager.

Golden Words.

Then who can shed some light on my old subject, " MBAM & Cyberlink Power Dvd 8", remember?

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