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Exclusions don't function


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3 hours ago, exile360 said:

I tried excluding 2 sites and even after closing and reopening my browser the sites are still blocked/redirected to the browser extension's block page (Web Protection is disabled so that cannot be the cause).

Is anyone else seeing this behavior?

What sites are blocked ?


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I see, but then why does it always show that the site is blocked for malware/Trojan, even when the malware exclusion is present?  Is that just the default whenever a site is blocked for multiple reasons; i.e. go with the more severe reason no matter what?  If so, I get it sort of, but for cases like this where the user might try to exclude the site, the block page/redirect needs to reflect the actual reason for the block at that point (i.e. show that it was blocked for advertising/being an ad server rather than continuing to show the Trojan/malware block page).

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  • Root Admin

Wow, very fast. Once I clicked the check box to never block again it immediately went to the site. It added this entry on it's own (which matches your screenshot)




I closed the browser. Relaunched, went to the site openload.co and no block.

So, not sure what's going on for your system. I would try removing the extension again. Reboot the computer. Then go back to the Google Chrome store and re-add the Malwarebytes Browser Guard extension again and test again.

I cannot duplicate your issue on my system.


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Yeah, I don't expect it to specify every reason for every block when there may be multiple reasons, but once excluded from one type of blocking it definitely shouldn't show the site as being blocked for that very reason afterward because that doesn't make any sense and that's my only point as far as that goes.

For everything else, I couldn't get the option to exclude the site permanently or during the current session to work in the block page and the only way I could get it to show up at all in my allow list was to add it there manually.

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OK, I just did all that and the issue persists.  Maybe it's a problem with Iron.  I click the checkbox to exclude the site and while the check appears in the box, nothing else happens.  I click the link to continue to the site anyway and the block page appears to reload quickly, but only loads the same block page again so nothing changes; I still can't reach the site.

I'll try excluding it completely and see what happens.

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OK, I figured something out.  The blocked page is an embedded video stream being displayed on a different site.  If I exclude the actual site I am viewing from being blocked for malware then the video loads even though the block itself was showing the source domain for the video as the site being blocked.  This is really weird behavior in my opinion.

If you want to test and verify all this behavior yourself, here is a site where you can test it (no pornography; it's a Disney video):


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  • Root Admin

That sockshare link is in an embedded object in a frame it looks like. I was not able to get it to allow it. But, to be fair we are trying to protect you and this is obviously an illegal site providing illegal content so though we don't try to be the police for content we also won't go out of our way to work on allowing illegal content access.

I'll report it, but again I would not expect them to fix it for this specific site.


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Right, I just used that as a simple example because it was easy to replicate it.  Embedding content is a very common practice so when the blocker shows a specific site as being blocked, provides the option to create a temporary or permanent exclusion, but requires a different site to be whitelisted it seems to me that it is not working as intended, or at least not as would be considered intuitive by the user.

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