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License access

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I own several life time licenses for Malwarebytes. I replaced the hard drive on one of my PCs and reinstalled Malwarebytes.  I received a message saying I needed to deactivate one of the devices using that license, so I logged in to manage my licenses.  I am not able to access any of my licenses and it shows a message that says I am no longer the administrator for my licenses and to contact my administrator.  I have contacted support and recieved replies from 3 different support people.  I have supplied all requested information including the license keys for all of my licences and almost 3 months later support has not given me any assistance or even an explanation of why I am no longer the administrator of my licenses.  Has anyone else experienced this issue with licenses and how were you able to get it resolved?

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Everyone posting about license questions here have been referred to customer support, so you are in he right place but I don’t understand why you haven’t received satisfactory answers. Perhaps asking for a supervisor there would be in order now.

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It seems that rather than fix the issue with access, support has merely deleted all of my licenses so now instead the message regarding me not being the administrator of my licenses the message is that I have no licenses and when I purchase one it will appear on my account. Seems we have moved in the opposite direction of resolution.

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20 minutes ago, MKBistro said:

he message is that I have no licenses and when I purchase one it will appear on my account.

Add you current license to your account, see below.



Edit: I reread your topic and yes it seems to be a step backward. I HOPE the above helps.

Edited by Porthos
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  • Root Admin

Did you read the reply from your Support Agent @MKBistro

You appear to be logging into the wrong section. You have more than one email address. I highly suggest you please locate and read the email from your support agent from Thursday, August 1

Your ticket number is: 2658433


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I have always only used one email address is it possible for you to private message me which other email address you see besides the veradon email? I am wondering if somehow someone has taken over my licenses. I have always logged in with the one email address and then I can manage licenses under the two names that are listed in the management account.

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