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Hanging Notifications OVER games

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Hello and Welcome!

If you are on the latest version 3.7.1, there is now a new Play Mode (Settings -> Application -> Play Mode -> Manage Applications)... There you can add your game to avoid getting notifications while you play your game, you can read all about it here:


Edited by Firefox
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1 hour ago, Firefox said:

Hello and Welcome!

If you are on the latest version 3.7.1, there is now a new Play Mode (Settings -> Application -> Play Mode -> Manage Applications)... There you can add your game to avoid getting notifications while you play your game, you can read all about it here:


Thank you for your response, but that is an unacceptable solution.  I don't need that headache.  I want to turn it off so I never have to think about it again. 

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That's even easier.  Just open Malwarebytes and navigate to Settings>Application and under Notifications toggle the setting Show Malwarebytes notifications in the Windows System Tray to Off.

You failed to mention what type of notifications you're seeing, but guessing from the frequency you describe it is likely that they are web blocks being caused by your game's built-in peer-to-peer functionality which it uses to connect to game servers.  If this is the case then you might want to exclude the game so that it is no longer blocked from connecting to some of its servers by Malwarebytes.  To do so, exclude the game's executable which is being blocked as shown in the notifications using the instructions in the Exclude an Application that Connects to the Internet of this support article and the blocks should no longer occur.

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3 hours ago, Firefox said:

Hello and Welcome!

If you are on the latest version 3.7.1, there is now a new Play Mode (Settings -> Application -> Play Mode -> Manage Applications)... There you can add your game to avoid getting notifications while you play your game, you can read all about it here:



"Play Mode" is not referenced on that page, at all.


Also, how can I suggest a change to the MWBAM team?

Quite frankly, what they implemented is a half arsed solution - what we really need is the "Add" button to SCAN all installed programs so you don't have to manually go into nested directories to find the .exe - you should have the manual option which we currently have too, but for ease of use MWBAM should scan your programmes.

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38 minutes ago, SPDIF said:

@Nate-Dogg; You mean Malwarebytes has to know all the different .exe names from Tens of Thousand games??

No antivirus solution available on the market is doing this, you have to tell them with .exe is a game!

It is nearly impossible for MWB to find out what is game or not...

Okay, I explained it wrong.

There's a feature in Windows where it will list all of your installed applications and the .exe used.

Like if you add a "non-steam" game to Steam, it shows you every single program you have installed, because it knows which .exe to use.

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2 minutes ago, Nate-Dogg said:

Okay, I explained it wrong.

There's a feature in Windows where it will list all of your installed applications and the .exe used.

Like if you add a "non-steam" game to Steam, it shows you every single program you have installed, because it knows which .exe to use.

To be fair though, Malwarebytes should not be displaying ANYTHING on top of something which is in full screen unless you actually have Malware on your computer.

This is the ideal solution, but the developers are not capable of doing this.

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2 hours ago, Nate-Dogg said:


"Play Mode" is not referenced on that page, at all.

Also, how can I suggest a change to the MWBAM team?

You are correct, it does not mention anything about play mode in that document, I have already notified staff about needing to update that documentation.

This like however has the information you are looking for. https://support.malwarebytes.com/docs/DOC-2955

You can make all your suggestions here: https://forums.malwarebytes.com/forum/12-malwarebytes-3/

Edited by Firefox
Added link for Play Mode info
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I agree regarding full screen apps (and thought that at least they should simply have a toggle on/off for Play Mode in the tray's context menu and main UI rather than requiring the user to add individual applications).  The only reason I wouldn't want them to automatically do this for all full-screen apps would be in the case of browsers and media players where an exploit might be trying to get in through the app in question since they are common targets for exploits, however that doesn't prevent them from implementing it the way I suggested (plus it gets around the complex issue of trying to detect when any app is in full-screen mode which isn't nearly as easy as it might seem at first since there are many ways that applications actually run in full-screen mode and Windows sees each method differently as would any program like Malwarebytes).

Do you think that having a simple 'Play Mode' or 'Silent Mode' switch in the Malwarebytes tray and main UI would be a reasonable compromise?  It should essentially accomplish the same thing and you'd just enable Play Mode/Silent Mode just before launching your game or whatever app you want to run without interruption then turn the setting off again once you're done and you've returned to the desktop.  It wouldn't be as automatic, but it wouldn't require you to add ever individual application to an exclusions list manually either.

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I decided to suggest both methods as options to the Product team and they can determine which approach would be best assuming they're open to altering/augmenting the feature with either of our ideas.  Hopefully they will be receptive to it because I agree that adding each individual game/application can get quite tedious, especially if you play a lot of different games.

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Also, it should be possible to select a map in windows, instead of an file only. As many now play games and install games on another drive, or a specially made \Games map, it should be possible to select an map or drive. Then the user have all his games in one click selected in MWB. This because many players nowadays has an SSD installed for windows, but have the games installed on another drive. If you then have to search all individual .EXE files it can be quite a hassle.


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On 2/22/2019 at 6:53 PM, Nate-Dogg said:

There's a feature in Windows where it will list all of your installed applications and the .exe used.

Like if you add a "non-steam" game to Steam, it shows you every single program you have installed, because it knows which .exe to use.

The half baked implemented solution means I cannot exclude games from the Windows Store because I don't have permission to the Windows Apps folder to find the .exe, as Microsoft intend.

This is why Malwarebytes needs to look at your installed programs list.

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