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Win10 logon and other slowdown

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After having uploaded logs and having had no reply no reply to my earlier post on this issue I would like to know if the "fix" for Win7 reported elsewhere is applicable to win 10. The fix involves downloading an earlier Malwarebytes version, uninstalling the current offender, installing the older version and blocking (for now) automatic updates to the engine.

Will the older Win7 version work as a replacement for the Win10 version I have or is it somehow different?


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I have seen other reports from some users having the same problem with the Ransomware Protection component causing hangs/long delays during system shutdown and/or logon with the latest version of Malwarebytes.  So far the only workaround I know of is to disable Ransomware Protection just before you plan to shut down your system to avoid the issue.

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Ah, I see, so it's also impacting system performance while the system is running, not just during startup/shutdown.  Yes, in that case the only mitigation (aside from installing a previous build) would be to keep the Ransomware Protection component disabled, at least until this issue is addressed, hopefully in the next release.  Honestly I generally keep it turned off anyway since it is by far the least proactive protection component in Malwarebytes since it only monitors process behavior for ransomware activity, meaning you'd actually have to already be infected for it to detect a threat/attack on your system, and I know that the other more proactive modules are very unlikely to allow that to happen (especially the Exploit Protection component, since the vast majority of ransomware attacks start with an exploit that attempts to execute some malicious script and/or downloader to download and launch the actual ransomware executable on the system, meaning the ransomware itself should never even reach your system in the first place as long as Exploit Protection is active, not to mention all the other layers/modules that it would have to bypass to get that far to the stage of execution into memory and attempting to encrypt your files/data) and it does slow things down a bit, even when not having any bugs/issues like the one you're experiencing just by its very nature.

Edited by exile360
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Thanks for the interesting information. I was unaware of the way in which Ransomware protect operated and feel more assured about the protection provided by the other modules. I found that when I reverted to a previous build (the one that putatively fixes the Win7 issue) the Ransomware problem remained. This suggests to me that there is some gremlin at work that is well interwoven with Malwarebytes and Win10 but I'm no software expert. 

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You could try performing a clean install to see if that helps.  It's possible that one of the newer drivers, DLLs or other core files remained when you installed the previous version resulting in the behavior persisting even after installing the previous release.

To perform a clean install just follow the instructions below; just be sure to opt out of having the tool download/install Malwarebytes for you otherwise it will try to install the latest version again (though that might be worth a shot as well if reinstalling the previous version doesn't correct the issue):

  1. Download and run the Malwarebytes Support Tool
  2. Accept the EULA and click Advanced tab on the left (not Start Repair)
  3. Click the Clean button, and allow it to restart your system and then reinstall your preferred build of Malwarebytes

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OK, so the problem is present even with the older build of Malwarebytes?  I guess you'll need to keep Ransomware Protection disabled until this gets fixed then but at least you can install the latest version of Malwarebytes (assuming there are no other issues with it on your system) and hopefully they'll have this resolved in the next release (version 3.7).

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