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gallery.mailchimp.com - and


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Just today for the first time Malwarebytes is blocking: gallery.mailchimp.com

I subscribe to homemadetools.net and once I figured out where the problem was originating from, it is in my Thunderbird mail folder with the emails that are sent from there. When I look at the image it pops the warning about blocking the above address. I can click on any of these emails in that folder and it pops the warning and the main image is missing but the rest of the mail is view-able. I guess if you go to homemadetools.net and sign up to the mailing list you can see for yourself.


Edited by Dashke
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Yes, I noticed this the past 24 hours or so.. at least 4 maybe 5 emails I have received the past day have had images blocked, and then even clicking links bring up a malwarebyes message, blocking things to do with mailchimp.

The emails that are having content blocked, in my opinion are legitmate emails, ie emails from trusted people / businesses / sellers.

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I am having the same issues.  I just click on emails and it brings up the malicious malwarebytes message.  These are legitimate sites that I am dealing with also.  I hope that someone has an answer soon.  I did 2 scans and threats came up on both. I'll attach pictures.



malware 3.jpg


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I have another report of a user unable to use the Mailchimp website because it was blocked by MWB.  Do we have confirmation that this is aberrant behavior an

Is the solution (until MWB updates to correct this) to whitelist sites (https://support.malwarebytes.com/customer/en/portal/articles/1835326-how-do-i-stop-malwarebytes-anti-malware-from-blocking-a-website-or-network-program-that-i-trust-?b_id=6438) and if so what are all of the Mailchimp IPs or domains that would need to be whitelisted?

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2 hours ago, AdvancedSetup said:

The site


is currently housing several malicious files. At this time we do not advise use of said site until those files are removed.

Thank you



Thank you .... Its nice to have a warning about not visiting this site .... but I never asked my computer to visit it in the first place!!!!  It started trying to communicate on its own and no interference from me.  I have run a scan ..... but it has not reported anything so there is no file to delete or quarantine.


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3 hours ago, AdvancedSetup said:

The site


is currently housing several malicious files. At this time we do not advise use of said site until those files are removed.

Thank you



That is good to know.. good to know Malwarebytes is working tirelessly as always for us.. Thanks.

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10 hours ago, Vanilla2000 said:

Thank you .... Its nice to have a warning about not visiting this site .... but I never asked my computer to visit it in the first place!!!!  It started trying to communicate on its own and no interference from me.  I have run a scan ..... but it has not reported anything so there is no file to delete or quarantine.


A program you are using is attempting to contact that site.  There was another post I read on this subject, that explaination is that, is that it was a wildcard block.

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