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We have received a handful of reports of Compatibility Assistant within Windows 10 telling users "Malwarebytes Anti-Malware doesn't work on this version of Windows." See Windows 10 build 14965 and Windows 10 build 14971.

Compatibility Assistant.JPG

We are seeing the following:

  • MBAM 1.75 EXE fails with compatibility warning
  • MBAM 1.8 EXE (Enterprise build) fails with compatibility warning
  • MBAM EXE fails with compatibility warning
  • MB EXE installs properly

At this time we do not have a workaround for those installers which are failing. We are in contact with Microsoft and have requested a fix and explanation of why they are blocking the MBAM installers. Just to assure you, we have over 20 million users running MBAM under Windows 10 without a problem, so we are perplexed at why Microsoft is blocking MBAM at this time.

If you run into this, please share your findings here.

We will continue to monitor and will update this threat as we find out more information from Microsoft.


Edited by msherwood
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

just wanted to let you guys know malwarebytes 3.04 breaks Edge browser in windows 10 preview build 14986

since this build has just been promoted to slow ring now, more people could get affected

the symptoms are that edge does start but all internet traffic seems blocked.nothing happens when you type a url or do a search
basically you are looking at a white page

as soon as you fully exit malwarebytes edge works great again.

reset ( through powershell ) of edge did not help

chrome installed on the same device worked fine

the device was running very slow with malwarebytes active as well

I noticed the issue when upgraded from an earlier build on which malwarebytes worked good ( 14955 )

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I also had the same issue with the Insider Build and the Edge browser. I actually was able to drill down and find that the Protection Module "Anti-Exploits" is the issue. If you only uncheck Anti-Exploits in the Protection menu the Edge Browser should work. I haven't had any issue since then with the browser. I also created a support ticket on it and they said a new update should be out before New Years that should fix it.

On another note, on my laptop that is not on the Insider Build, actually on 1607, I am unable to open Edge or Chrome when the Protection Module "Malware Protection" is on. I turn off the Malware Protection and both browsers start working again. I hope the new update before the beginning of the year will fix both issues.

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After the most recent Insider preview update (Build 14986.rs_prerelease.161202-1928), I noticed that Malwarebytes was no longer active.  The files were still in the program files folder, but it didn't start anymore.

Now I've done uninstall/MB clean, and then installed  No warning from the "assistant" but curious why it was disabled in the first place.

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