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  1. Thanks for all your help fellas. Our Business HelpDesk will be continuing with this user as he is referring specifically to our EndPoint Agent product.
  2. This issue has been fixed. Open Malwarebytes and 'Check for Updates' Please let me know if you still see an issue launching powershell
  3. This issue with database updates has been fixed. To obtain that now: Quit MB via the tray icon Re-launch MB via desktop icon Click Check for updates Let me know if subsequent checks for updates will continue for you error free. Also, did this also happen to fix the issue with WMP?
  4. We know this is an issue for some folks and it is actively being worked on.
  5. Hello Nova77 - thank you for the logs. If you restart Malwarebytes (right click lower tray icon and select 'Quit Malwarebytes', then re-launch Malwarebytes via the Desktop icon, can you then get updates when you click 'Check for updates'? Also, if you turn off Malware & Pup protection will WMP work properly? Along those same lines, after restarting Malwarebytes and a successful 'check for updates' , will subsequent updates continue to work while Malware & Pup protection is off?
  6. Great, thanks! This is what they are working on right now, I'll post in here when they believe they have it fixed. I know the delay in powershell can be frustrating, but I encourage you to keep Malware & PUP protection on anyway.
  7. Hello modem7. We did have another person report this and Engineering is looking into this. By any chance if you turn off Malware & PUP protection, does powershell load right away?
  8. Thank you for the info, I am working with this customer via PM. FYI - there is no need to give users experiencing this the offline installer. Please give them this link instead https://downloads.malwarebytes.com/file/mb5-windows
  9. What link did you download the MBSetup from? It would really be helpful in narrowing down where the problem lies. I've asked 3 people who have experienced this and so far, none of them have answered that question. I'd be so grateful if you would tell me. 🙂
  10. @Nickoakz by any chance, can you locate this log and send it to me via PM? C:\Program Files\Riot Vanguard\Logs\vgk_2024-06-27_20-38-21.log Asking for it via PM because I don't know if they are encrypted or not, nor what other detail they may contain. @RequiredSignUp Can you find one of the dates/time Valorant crashed and see if you can find a .log with a corresponding timestamp in this folder C:\Program Files\Riot Vanguard\Logs If so, please send it to me via PM (Private Message) Thanks!
  11. Thank you so much, it's really appreciated! The logs you sent don't show the presence of any Windows crash dumps having been created. Would you mind checking to make sure crash dumps are enabled? In Control Panel, select System and Security > System. Select Advanced system settings, and then select the Advanced tab. In the Startup and Recovery area, select Settings. Make sure that Kernel memory dump or Complete memory dump is selected under Writing Debugging Information. If it is already set, can you manually check for a C:\Windows\Memory.dmp file and if it's there, zip it and upload it to the same folder I sent you in PM? If it wasn't enabled, do enable them and recreate the crash, then zip and upload the Memory.dmp Thanks! (I will be going offline soon, I'll get it to them as soon as I can)
  12. Hello wolverton, We've seen this several times now and we're trying to isolate why this is happening every so often. May I ask what link you downloaded the MBSetup from?
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