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  1. I did try turning off the individual protection settings and also all of them at once which helped at first, but after a couple of successful views, problem came back. I just tried turning off Malware & Pup protection by itself, same thing, worked a couple of times and problem came back I also cleared any settings in WMP that might connect to the internet, even disable network adapters with no change
  2. Ever since getting version 5 of Malwarebytes on my Windows 11 system, Windows Media Player Legacy (v12) won't play .mp3, mp4 or other any media files. I eventually get "not responding" in the media player, and also get one or both of the following errors ... "The RPC server is unavailable / The remote procedure call failed" If I shutdown MB, the legacy WMP works like it used to with MB 4.xxxx I dual boot and have a clean image of Windows 11 that also has MB 5 with the same results RPC services are running, and I've tried all suggested built in Windows troubleshooters, removed and re-adding media player The new media player works, as does VLC, but I'm one of many that prefer the old WMP Wondering of anyone else has run across the same issue and found a solution ? thanks for listening Malwarebytes version Update package version 1.0.84723 Component package version 1.0.1233 Microsoft Windows Home Version 23H2 (OS Build 22631.3593) Windows Media Player Legacy Version:12.0.22621.3593
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