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[SOLVED] Please add proper and officail support for Pale Moon

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Hello there, I just want to say firstly that I love MBAM and all the developers here who give great customer service!  :) 


Now down to business, ok. Today while I browse this forum with my favorite browser called Pale Moon (an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser forked-off from the Firefox/Mozilla source code, focusing on efficiency and ease of use), I ran into an issue where I can't seem to post and create a new thread, yes that's right. Here are my screenshots: 


Supporting Pale Moon-MBAM Froums.jpg

Blank area.jpg


So after doing some troubleshooting, I found that this forum does some strict UA detection, such as looking for the Firefox slice in ones browser, particularly the version of Gecko. Unfortunately I had to put in an override for you guys in about:config: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64; rv:26.0) Goanna/20160222 PaleMoon/26.1.1. This is just one out of so many I could've picked that works, as long as it has an updated Gecko version or the Firefox slice in the UA. Yeah this isn't a rendering issue cause by the browser per se, or because the browser (Pale Moon) is unable to render this forum or the specific functions of it, but rather by this forum presenting different Web designing code to our browser because of what it thinks it is. But I could be wrong as I took an educated guess knowing this: 


Best regards,

LimboSlam  :)

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On Sunday, March 27, 2016 at 0:38 PM, John L. Galt said:

Can you say where you were trying to create the new topic at?

Yes in the "Malwarebytes Anti-Ransomware Beta" area, which I successfully achieved when changing my UA in Pale Moon.


8 hours ago, AlexSmith said:

Thanks for posting this. We will look in to it. I had never heard of Pale moon until this thread, so I thank you for teaching me something new.

Your welcome and thanks for listening. Now if there's anymore information you'll need, just let me know so I can try to see what I can do.

I also want to mention that I'm not the lead developer (Moonchild, as well as Matt A. Tobin) of this project, but just an active member of their forums. So if you need further corporation with us, I'm sure our friendly community will be able to help out as best to their abilities. 


-P.S. I did save errors/warnings I got from the browser console, but I'm unable to find them now. Well I'm sure I can get the same results again once I remove my UA override. Just let me know and I'll provide it, ok.



Best regards,

LimboSlam  :)  

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Hey I'm over viewing the guidelines and when it says, "injecting a comment into a thread for the purpose of placing a link back to a website offering the same services offered here; or services totally unrelated to this website," I'm unable to quickly guide you guys to right information which would further help solving any issue I have or others have? Not to mention extending out a giving hand with other forum communities/businesses. So if I made a mistake hyper-linking our forums here, please feel free to edit it.  

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  • Root Admin

No mistakes or issues. I already spoke to you in PM when you first posted. All is well at this time. Just don't want people coming on here looking for extra marketing via SEO or other similar tactics. If the team needs further information I'm sure they will reach out to you. Thank you again




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I believe that part of the issue is because Pale Moon is based upon a Legacy (Such as Firefox 2x) segment of Firefox code. I've been looking for where I saw it mentioned that the Pale Moon dev was unhappy with it's current state and that they need to make a new branch in order to get the new standards and everything. This may have been worded differently, though.

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