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Computer Monitoring


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I have a general question on how I can monitor the computer use in my home. I'd like to know if there is any safe and recommended software that can show me the sites visited after they have been deleted from history and if there is any way to monitor skype or email conversations.

Thank you!



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what is the purpose for such activity ?

Probably because she has a kid and wants to know if he/she has been accessing sites he or she shouldn't be. To answer your question, there's a program that does this called insight http://www.faronics.com/products/insight/ Although, it's targeted towards classroom settings and I'm not sure if it will work on a single PC. It lets you see whatever is being accessed in real time. I believe you can even lock down the PC with this, record anything that's going on, and more. I know about this because my college campus uses this. It cost to use, so be sure before paying that you test to see if it works with a demo (I assume they have one)

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Hi, (null):


Probably because she has a kid and wants to know...


I'm not sure it's really safe to make such an assumption?

There are many reasons why one would want to monitor a computer's activity -- some good, some bad; some legal, some not.


I would agree with CWB...

...Unless the OP returns with a bit more information & explanation, it's probably not advisable or safe to provide significant detail about such snooping activity.


<just sayin'>



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My step son has come to live with us. He is a few years older than my son. Sometimes I get the feeling that somethings not right. Small things like clicking off a page or standing up in front of the computer when I enter their room. Just wanted to be sure and deal with anything right away should it come up. Thank you.

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DD1 is correct ...

in some cases "monitoring activity" can be construed as "invasion of privacy" (etc) and therefore deemed an illegal operation with legal ramifications .

these ramifications can also extend to a/the company , entity or person that provides information about methods and/or implementing such activities .

asking for a/the purpose is a matter of prudence .


as a legal guardian or parent your legal situation is different than in a "classroom" environment .


as for "monitoring programs" ...

a google search will provide much information about "content filtering" programs that are available .

be aware that some of these types of programs are nothing more than a scam and can lead to a compromised machine (aka : infected) .

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Not sure what kind of internet setup you have at home, but if you are using a router, you can use a product called NortonTM ConnectSafe for Home. This product can also be setup on a Desktop/Laptop.

That being said, depending on your setup and the knowledge of said child, these can be undone if he figures out your passwords/settings. (This product is basically using Norton DNS servers for web browsing, and they filter out content depending on what DNS server you use. If you use a router at home and use one of Norton's DNS servers, it will filter traffic on all devices connected to the internet.

Norton ConnectSafe for Home is a free service that provides a first layer of defense by blocking unsafe sites automatically.

On a computer, Norton ConnectSafe does not replace the comprehensive protection of a full security product such as Norton Internet Security or Norton 360. Instead, Norton ConnectSafe provides basic browsing protection and content filtering for all Web-enabled devices on your home network.

Info for this can be found at NortonTM ConnectSafe for Home

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