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Posts posted by noknojon

  1. David has had very little to comment on recently. so try these ...

    Measurements you (may have) never learned in school.

    1 - Ratio of an Igloo's circumference to its diameter = Eskimo pi
    2 - 2,000 pounds of Chinese soup = Won ton
    3 - The time between slipping on a peel and hitting the floor = 1 bananosesond
    4 - The weight an Evangelist carries to God = 1 Billigram
    5 - Time it takes to sail 220 yards @ 1 nautical mile per hour = Knotfurlong
    6 - 365.25 days of drinking low calorie beer = 1 light year
    7 - 16.5ft into the Twilight Zone = 1 RodStirling
    8 - The basic unit of laryngitis = 1 hoarsepower
    9 - The shortest distance between 2 jokes = 1 straight line
    10 - 2,000 mockingbirds = 2 kilomocking birds .............

    Part of an original (gathering) so credit to Math-Explosion.com with Bob Conant.

  2. Agree Micheal, but please look from the users point of view.

    We had a "reasonable setup" and this is not "better" ..........

    Also my last post went South ?? where I said "General" and added My views only-

    Sorry if anybody took any post of mine as being personal, as they were never meant to be : Back in a few days to see if ??

  3. Quote

    Marcin as Root Admin always wanted this basic program (MBAM) to succeed and keep it as simple to use as it could be, but in first early versions like 1.30 and up to 1.75, it had a few flaws (as it still has).

    My above quote not only relates to the program, but also to the forum, and presentation. The "reasonably" Simple to Use Forum has gone out the door, so I expect that all of the time wasted here means the Basic MBAM Program is going backwards, as those trying to fix it should be working on the Program Only, not this (soon to be) wasted board.

      /\ Still Auto Double Spaces, and at least David H Lipman and I agree on something for a change. If you paid for this, you purchased a Lemon ..  now make lemonade. The list of Staff and other employed people in that large building must include the talent to fix or make your own Forum, and there are enough examples given.

    And it needs a TESTING area near the bottom (see Bleeping Computer board) as it will be used quite often by helpers and Experts alike.............

    Sorry but still not one positive thing to say (except excuses from above) about this. If we started here OK :blink:, but this is ?? New Improved ?? (Not).
    Comments are "General", and not directed to any one person, but, take it as written.
    Note that I am an older person, but even I can see silly coding / wasted input / useless features / missing features / basics that should have been included / and it is a Lemon -

    -  All views are my personal only -

  4. I am a bit sorry that I posted so much on this topic, but it just seems that what I see as an ideal board and what you have spent money on, are not the same.
    Just that to me, a forum board is a method of "speaking to", and "helping" your clients in the most organized method.

    I have already said too much, so you can just sort out any problems, and later tweak it to "a decent" forum

    Thanks for letting me have a say ...........

  5. Quote

    I'm not exactly following the last part of your post concerning going back to 2008 and the extra note. Can you clarify what you're suggesting we do / read up on?

    First - Sorry, but a lot of this was fired without full links, and quite often little extra thought. . . Extras like F/Fox posted should be included these days.
    All I wanted to stress was that 10 years ago, in late 2007 - 2008 this type of over confusing board was not required, those early days did not require the mess that is currently on the board, but I am saying that you seem to have ignored the Customer, the most important person. The person who pays your wages ....... not mine, as I get a cap once every 5 years, and a tee shirt ( if I'm lucky.)

    Those early days did not require the mess that is currently on the board.
    But if you wish to cover Several Products, a Quick Jump Link as you enter is often the best, this will link each area that may be needed. EXAMPLES -
    1 MBAM Enquiries and Help
    2 Ransomware Removal Programs Enquiries
    3 Malware Removal
    4 DIY Malware Removal

    5 General Computer Help
    Etc Etc Etc..
    Surely simple enough for any decent coder, as most (even PDF's) use this method ??

    You should be able to hit the board and be fronted with the "MBAM Enquiries and Help" AKA, The Forum, where you or I can ask "What is wrong with version XXX" at the top, or use my Quick Link method as above..

    With the second part, I was merely stating that you have gone to the "latest / newest model", which is NOT always the best way to go, as there are existing and (personal opinion only) much better versions are already in use if you look around. Read the Bleeping Computer board, and you are presented with (basically) in series Windows Versions > Linux Versions > Mac Help > Malware help and similar advice > Followed down to general chat and a TESTING box at the bottom. I personally know this gets a lot of use from Experts and Home Helpers.

    Sorry for my long tale of woe, but I still keep an interest here, as I joined in 2008 and hope it will be viable for at least the foreseeable future.

    Thanks -


    " Back to Top was just added this morning"  Very Good Thank You !!!!!!! (At the bottom of just about every page, its needed)

    This should be on every topic box, not just the end of a page, so you can check details in the (example) FRST post after you reply. =========>>>>>>>> Here on each post

  6. There are two steps to remove KB3035583 from your computer, the first step is described here for Windows 7 and here for Windows 8. and involves uninstalling an update. In this case make sure you remove the KB3035583 update and not accidentally another one. 

    After a few seconds the update is be removed and your computer doesn’t need to restart.

    I needed to follow both of these, and (so far) it is working. Believe me, you are one of 100,000,000 who want to kill M/soft for this. - Sorry but my ISP can not even keep a decent line so I just post when I can. There are dozens of answers for "How to fully delete KB3035583" in google, but I only keep with the better ones.

    If you do not click on the taskbar icon and follow All the steps, it will go away "soon". I pumped another email saying they can expect legal action for falsely listing this as Security Update when it is not. Not much chance they willlisten to me ??

    John -


  7. My earlier post had a Quote that could not be removed by me ?? I then posted Sorry Aura, but I had trouble editing ?

    I also added {{Why can I not stop "Auto Double Spacing" of paragraphs}} ?? This is now gone / edited by others ?? This is because there are times that we need to add "When You Have Finished," include the logs from - and we can list at times, 3 items below each other. This would mean.

    Item / 1

    Item / 2

    Item / 3

    A shocking waste of space. We still need to waste time as this board has no Return To Top tag on each post, as most other versions / Forums do have, and for 20 posts of media, it is almost 1900, not mid to late 2010's.

    The Topic Headings have not been updated to a better grouping system, where I thought you would have a more reasonable (read cleaner) definition of what you want the customer to see when they ""Walk in the front door"" and are guided to help that is wanted... The  Quote sign sends you to expect that you need to hit the  + every time you respond to a question..! !....

    Please Note that I am not being nasty in any way, but some of the newer "organizers" need to go back to early / mid 2008 when Marcin responded mostly by himself to questions from users and provided what I thought was good and clear directions to them on how to use the program, and basic computer tips. I will try to remove my post that may have been a bit misplaced, but it generated some more interest than the High Fives here.

    Thank You -

    EXTRA : Go back to the basics "Started by Gimpguy2000, 18 Jul 2007" Followed with a basic Q and  A type forum in early to mid 2008, and I joined later in 2008

  8. Sorry, but to answer this fully you will need to put up with me for a lengthy post. Not by intention, but at this stage there are several items missing that I will try to fill in ...

    Firstly @  Porthos, that 20 or 50 posts was allowing you to edit your post, as the Experts always wanted the script that you posted, not an edited version, since they could miss replies. In your Screen ID. there was always a section that showed if you had changed your Screen Name at any time (so we could trace your history and issues), and Spammers

    >Keeping track of members is always a reasonable criteria, and continuity of the forum. I would prefer that each member makes a personal request to people like AdvancedSetup, or at at least a request to exile360, as these two people generally controlled the Forum / Board, and have since the program initiated a public forum in 2008. As of 2008 when we started, AdvancedSetup seemed to organize the daily running of the public forum and helped with Malware removal, while exile360 was from the start a major part of adjusting and adding corrections to the program, and assisting the Home Users that acted as helpers in basic areas. While both of them have almost put 10 years at the Forum Head. I am not aware of your current "back-room" deals,

    Marcin as Root Admin always wanted this basic program (MBAM) to succeed and keep it as simple to use as it could be, but in first early versions like 1.30 and up to 1.75, it had a few flaws (as it still has). I still fail to see the names of these 3 people in your HALL  OF  FAME list.

  9. Hello Jackcinnaples_

    Sorry that your question was missed, but we have been a bit busy, and this is a regular question.


    Yes there is a product for you, Learn More and Download from Google Apps


    The "Free version" is available for non-regular scans, or you can use the Premium (paid) version that will Auto update and always be running in the background.

    This is basically the same as our regular program, but made for Mobile Apps.


    Only ever use the Google Apps to download from, since they test and update on a regular basis.


    Thank you..

  10. This is a warning to Android users, mainly, of a new infection trying to steal banking details. ..


    If you live in Australia or New Zealand areas, you are to be aware of these new problem Banking Hijackers


    Many other sites like This One and if required This One also give details.


    There are many topics now related to yesterdays massive infection hit, Also Topics Like This  which is only a headline.

    Millions of customers of Australia's largest (and now medium) banks are the target of a sophisticated Android attack which steals banking details, so if you have any bank details on your Android, do not use any banking from these devices.

    Turn them off and contact us if indoubt via our normal forum methods.  The Experts will try and help you to remove the infection


    This was mainly released on Wednesday night / Thursday morning our time (Australia).


    ESET released research today, showing malware known as Android/Spy.Agent.SI is able to steal login details by locking down a phone when you try to enter a bank’s app


    Thank You.

  11. Hi .

    Sorry but that is not a complete link or url to follow ? Do you have any particular actual problem, as this is very vague question ..


    What Operating System are you running ( XP / Win 7 {7.1} / Win 8 { 8.1} / Win 10 ) ??


    Are you unable to do updates or do you think you are infected. ??


    I am able to update but you are still vague. >>> A new version is only released after it has been fully tested.  <<<


    I hope that the last line above solves your question. All that I can tell you, is that it is currently being tested  and almost ready........


    Thank You

  12. Hello and welcome winactive,

    Mitigation steps in Pro considered sufficient? Free users not a priority? Lack of updates on the situation worrying, thanks.

    Can you please explain your actual problem a bit better, as this is very vague question ..


    What Operating System are you running ( XP / Win 7 {7.1} / Win 8 { 8.1} / Win 10 )


    Are you unable to do updates or do you think you are infected.


    Thank You.

  13. Hello BanementI,
    Can you please tell us if your half sister runs the Active (or paid) version of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware, or was she just using the Free, Non active version ??

    The Free or Not active version is designed to try and "mop up" after being infected.
    There are many other tools (too many to list here) that can be run to "clean up" after being infected, and each one has its own use or reason for being..

    Note that Hitman Pro is one of the free tools, and is used by the Experts on this forum where required.

    Without knowing the answer to the first line, we cannot advise further than this =>
    Please follow the directions on >> This Page if you may still be Infected << and an Expert will attend to you as soon as one is available.


    Note that the system may still be carrying infections, and still require assistance..

    Thank You,

  14. I joined about 1 year later, 2007 (after MBAM saved my old system), but I am still one " 0 " short in my posts ..

    • ( Active Posts 6x,250 )  I don't think that I will fill in the " x " for a long time now ...


    Who else would one come to for help ....


    Thank You for putting up with me .. All the best to one of the hardest workers on the forum


    It seems like only last year we posted AdvancedSetup reaches 50,000 posts.



  15. Hello sman.

    As David has intimated this is "beating a dead horse with a stick" and waiting for responses, but I get myself in "too deep" at times, and have learned that there is one section to read first.


    That section is Terms of Use that exist on the top and bottom of every page of this and every Moderated Forum not an "open forum", as you said.


    Basically it says "The Moderators and Administrators always have the last say" and you are a "Visitor" so ("Visitors to the forum agree to the terms stated below": = the first line of the ToU)

    Don't get me wrong because you are always welcome here, but there are rules and manners to learn on these forums.


    I have been instructed to read it "word by word" on this, and other forums, as it is basically the same all over (with only minor language changes), and I was often naughty.


    Terms of Use are always needed on Moderated Forums to provide some structure to the discussions.


    End of My Opinion Only ... ( MOO ) Not sure if that exists, ( but I found it did )  .........


    EDIT - This is in the Jokes section, but may be better suited to General Chat area ??

  16. The basis and variations of this have been used here over the years ........





    A figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction :


    Examples :


    Military Intelligence
    War on Terror
    Friendly Fire
    Civil War
    Active Reserve
    Peacekeeping Forces
    Controlled Crash
    Safe Ammo ............ also Gun Safe,,,,,,,,,,, but I don't discuss that


    Finally - - - -

    Just War



    Yes, I know, that's my quota for the month ;) but I am sick of just visiting, so I post random pieces ...........

  17. Gees, it's not that hard.

    two (2) scans for 9/1/2016. 

    NOTE : Only one is an active "Scan" log, ..... You are reading them both as Active Scan Logs ...........Gees, it's not that hard. (sorry for repeating).

    Please read the Blue links below......... they are from User Guide ONLINE;



    Scan Logs (from the FAQ area) ....

    Scan results are available in Scan Logs which are retained by Malwarebytes Anti-Malware (see History Settings for further details), or click the Save Results link at the bottom right corner of the screen to save results to your clipboard (for use with other programs), to a text file, or to an XML file. You can also view Scan Logs from within the Malwarebytes Anti-Malware user interface. See >> Application Logs for details on viewing logs.


    A scan can take up to 20 minutes (Windows 10 made sure of that), also note the dates on the sample I left, as the program is constantly being updated and upgraded.


    A staff member can review your logs for any P2P or Skype that may also cause this.


    Thank you for putting up with me :) 

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