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  1. OH my, both windows 2000 and Windows XP will run on it, but it will run sloooooowwww like ShyWriter has stated. With those specs it would probably run Win98 2nd edition pretty good. Windows 2000 and below are no longer supported by Microsoft so you may have a hard time getting updates and drives as well.
  2. connecting through your DSL line, or connection through the wireless affords you the same protection, just keep your antivirus software updated as well as Malwarebytes. As for connecting to a WiFi network, only connect to networks you trust. If you do not know who's network it is, I would not connect to it as you do not know if they are running any sniffing software that could potentially either access your computer or perhaps monitor what you do no your computer.
  3. no need to reply 4 times.... PS: Please use the "ADDREPLY" button instead of other ones when you start replying. If the above did not work for you, then you probably have some rootkit installed and running on your computer so you will need to have an expert take a look at your computer to help you clean it out.... Please read the following so that you can begin the cleaning process: As we don't deal with malware removal in the General Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware Forum, you need to start a topic in the Malware Removal forum so a qualified helper can help you fix any malware related problems/infections you may have. Please read and follow the directions here, skipping any steps you are unable to complete. Then post a NEW topic here. After posting your new post, make sure under options, you select Track this topic and choose Immediate Email Notification, so that you're alerted when someone has replied to your post. One of the expert helpers there will give you one-on-one assistance when one becomes available. Please refrain from making any further changes to your computer (Install/Uninstall programs, use special fix tools, delete files, edit the registry, etc...) unless advised by a malware removal helper. Doing so can result in system changes which may hinder the attempts by a helper to clean your machine. NOTE: Please DO NOT post back to (bump) your topic within the first 48 hours. Replying to your own posts changes the post count and helpers are looking for topics with zero replies. If you reply to your own post helpers may think that you're already being helped and thus overlook your post. If there is no reply from any experts after 48 hours, you can reply to the topic, asking for help again. Or You may send a Private Message to a Moderator asking for assistance. Alternatively, as a paying customer, you can contact the help desk at support@malwarebytes.org or here. Please be patient, someone will assist you as soon as it is possible. PS: Please use the "ADDREPLY" button instead of other ones when you start replying.
  4. Hi, and Welcome to Malwarebytes!.... mbam will not install - Code 2 error, mbam.exe not found It looks like some malware may be deleting the file when it installs. Please see if the below instructions help you. Please go here: http://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?showtopic=29028 And see if that might help get Malwarebytes running for you If this does not work, then follow the instructions listed below: Please read the following so that you can begin the cleaning process: As we don't deal with malware removal in the General Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware Forum, you need to start a topic in the Malware Removal forum so a qualified helper can help you fix any malware related problems/infections you may have. Please read and follow the directions here, skipping any steps you are unable to complete. Then post a NEW topic here. After posting your new post, make sure under options, you select Track this topic and choose Immediate Email Notification, so that you're alerted when someone has replied to your post. One of the expert helpers there will give you one-on-one assistance when one becomes available. Please refrain from making any further changes to your computer (Install/Uninstall programs, use special fix tools, delete files, edit the registry, etc...) unless advised by a malware removal helper. Doing so can result in system changes which may hinder the attempts by a helper to clean your machine. NOTE: Please DO NOT post back to (bump) your topic within the first 48 hours. Replying to your own posts changes the post count and helpers are looking for topics with zero replies. If you reply to your own post helpers may think that you're already being helped and thus overlook your post. If there is no reply from any experts after 48 hours, you can reply to the topic, asking for help again. Or You may send a Private Message to a Moderator asking for assistance. Alternatively, as a paying customer, you can contact the help desk at support@malwarebytes.org or here. Please be patient, someone will assist you as soon as it is possible. PS: Please use the "ADDREPLY" button instead of other ones when you start replying.
  5. Disable Internet Explorer Proxy Settings You can also try the following to see if it helps. Disable Internet Explorer Proxy Settings It is very important that these steps be carried out exactly as shown otherwise the fix will not work. If you have any questions please ask before moving on. Please start Notepad and using your mouse make sure you select and copy all the information below in the Code box into your new document. Then save the file as "fixme.bat" to your Desktop In the drop down box for Save as type: make sure you select All Files (*.*) and keep the quotes on the name as well. Then close the new file. @ECHO OFF reg delete "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings" /v ProxyServer /f reg delete "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings" /v ProxyOverride /f reg add "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings" /v ProxyEnable /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f reg add "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings" /v GlobalUserOffline /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f On Windows XP you can double-click the file to run it. On Vista/Win7 you need to Right click the file and choose Run as administrator to run it. With User Account Control on it should ask permission to run it. Click Yes This will flash a black DOS box very quickly and go away, this is normal. Now relaunch Internet Explorer and see if you can connect to the Internet.
  6. Hello and Welcome to Malwarebytes..... The info you need can be found here: How To Use The New Scheduler
  7. @ JackInCT These items are available in the full version of Malwarebytes. The full version will not only help you with scheduled updates, but also with scheduled scans. It will also protect you from malicious web sites with the IP Protection features. Well worth the one time fee for a life time license. How To Use The New Scheduler
  8. I see that you have posted your logs, and also updated your video drivers to the version that AdvancedSetup has asked you too. If you are still getting the green screen, then we need to look at other posibilites. You can try the steps that daledoc1 provided you in reference to Flash, it would not hurt to try..... I don't remember if you have mentioned this or not, so I will ask, when you first turn on the computer and you get your BIOS info on the screen (computer logo) or if you are in Windows Command Prompt only, or safe mode, do you also have a green screen? How about if you boot from a Bootable Rescue CD, is the display also Green? I myself think that it is a hardware problem with your video card. I know you said you ran a diagnostic through device manager and it came back fine, but I don't tend to trust those test too much. If you have the means, I would try replacing the video card with another one, and install the drivers for it and see what you get. I work in a shop and I have the means to do it as I have cards sitting on my shelf that help me for testing, I know this does you no good, but if you could find a card someplace to test. We have a local Good Will store that sells video cards starting at $7.95 maybe you can look so see if there are thrift stores available in your area where you can get one.
  9. Since this is being used in a corporate environment (ie. your work) you will have to do the following below..... Please send an email to Corporate Support Team <corporate-support@malwarebytes.org> with your Cleverbridge order reference number and they will assist you. But also to answer your question, Malwarebytes was not designed to work off of a bootable CD, or to scan Windows while offline. Malwarebytes was designed to work with windows running in normal mode so that it can find and remove the malware found. In a worst case scenario the Experts may have you run it in safe mode (in developer mode) to get logs so they know how to help you best.
  10. Hello and Welcome to Malwarebytes..... The time it takes to run a quick scan and full scan on your computer can vary depending on how may files you have, if you have a lot of temp files or corruption on your disk. Anyway I run CCleaner from time to time to reduce the number of temp files on my computer. My quick scans take about 5 min. My full scan (if I do one) took about 40 minutes. The quick scan is really all you need as it will detect and scan for malware in all common places where malware likes to reside. I only do a full scan about once a month and do daily scans every day. Hope that answers your question.
  11. This can happen with any one of the companies that sell computers.... I run an all Dell Shop and I must say, I really have not had issues that have caused me any headaches..... With the amount of PC that I use here, I have great tech support, and get a fast turn around from Dell. I do get some that will not work no matter what, but it gets repaired within 24 hours from Dell so no worries with me....
  12. I too don't have an iphone.... and I must say I am not intrested in getting one either....
  13. Not sure what to tell you about WinPatrol as I do not use it.....
  14. Could be the NIS update, do you have the Parental Contols add on pac with your Norton?
  15. IP Test Site You can test your IP Protection/Web Blocker by going to a site that resides on Malwarebytes' own servers and is perfectly safe. The test address is iptest.malwarebytes.org.
  16. Hello and Welcome to Malwarebytes.... When the Malwarebytes program gets installed, the installer file will install with an outdated definition database file so it will need to be updated. You can update it right after the install as it gives you the option to update it. If the update fails you can follow the instructions for a manual update from Section A Item 4 located RIGHT HERE Although Malwarebytes can be installed and run in Safe Mode, the preferred method and most successful method is to run it in Normal Mode as it will do a better job with detecting and cleaning the computer. Should you have problems doing the items listed above or are still infected please follow the instructions below: Please read the following so that you can begin the cleaning process: As we don't deal with malware removal in the General Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware Forum, you need to start a topic in the Malware Removal forum so a qualified helper can help you fix any malware related problems/infections you may have. Please read and follow the directions here, skipping any steps you are unable to complete. Then post a NEW topic here. After posting your new post, make sure under options, you select Track this topic and choose Immediate Email Notification, so that you're alerted when someone has replied to your post. One of the expert helpers there will give you one-on-one assistance when one becomes available. Please refrain from making any further changes to your computer (Install/Uninstall programs, use special fix tools, delete files, edit the registry, etc...) unless advised by a malware removal helper. Doing so can result in system changes which may hinder the attempts by a helper to clean your machine. NOTE: Please DO NOT post back to (bump) your topic within the first 48 hours. Replying to your own posts changes the post count and helpers are looking for topics with zero replies. If you reply to your own post helpers may think that you're already being helped and thus overlook your post. If there is no reply from any experts after 48 hours, you can reply to the topic, asking for help again. Or You may send a Private Message to a Moderator asking for assistance. Alternatively, as a paying customer, you can contact the help desk at support@malwarebytes.org or here. Please be patient, someone will assist you as soon as it is possible. PS: Please use the "ADDREPLY" button instead of other ones when you start replying.
  17. Apple, AT&T sued over iPhone 4 antenna problems Another law firm claims it has received inquiries from more than 1,400 frustrated owners Just six days after the iPhone 4's launch, a pair of Maryland residents sued Apple and AT&T, alleging that the smartphone's defective antenna design drops calls and can't hold a strong signal. The lawsuit, filed in federal court in Maryland, claims that Apple knowingly sold defective phones and broke its warranty promises. The lawsuit also levels seven additional charges against Apple and AT&T, including general negligence, deceptive trade practices, fraud and misrepresentation. Kevin McCaffrey and Linda Wrinn each pre-ordered a new iPhone from AT&T on June 15, but after receiving their phones on June 24 and 28, respectively, they experienced dropped calls because of the device's antenna design, the suit alleges. "Plaintiffs are left with a device that cannot be used for the normal purpose and in the normal manner in which such devices are intended to be used," reads the lawsuit. "Plaintiffs are unable to return the phone without incurring a substantial restocking fee." The lawsuit seeks class-action status, a move that if granted would allow any U.S. iPhone 4 owner to join the case. McCaffrey and Wrinn are represented by attorneys with Ward & Ward PLLC, a Washington law firm, and Charles A. Gilman LLC of Timonium, Md. Their lawsuit is the first stemming from complaints about substandard iPhone 4 call reception, which started last week when the new phone reached users. Almost immediately, owners reported that their phones would lose a signal, or that the signal indicator would show a weakened signal, when the smartphone was gripped in a certain way, especially if it was held in the left hand. Hardware experts believe that holding the iPhone can bridge the two antennas embedded in the steel band that encircles the device, lowering signal strength and changing their ability to receive and transmit signals at the designed frequencies. McCaffrey and Winn's lawsuit cited several of the accounts on the Internet of the reception problems, as well as e-mailed statements allegedly made by Apple CEO Steve Jobs to users and a leaked script for Apple support technicians that ordered them not to offer warranty service for the flaw. The suit demands that Apple and AT&T pay compensatory and punitive damages, and that Apple be barred from selling more iPhone 4s until it has "repaired the design and/or manufacture defect." This lawsuit will likely not be the last. Last Monday, Sacramento law firm Kershaw, Cutter & Ratinoff began soliciting potential plaintiffs who had experienced poor reception for a class-action case. Tuesday, the firm said it had received more than 1,400 e-mails from iPhone 4 owners interested in joining a lawsuit. "Thousands of people are really unhappy with their new iPhones and Apple's response to the antenna issue," the law firm wrote on its blog. William Kershaw, KCR's lead class-action counsel, did not respond to a request for comment on the firm's plans.
  18. Since this is a corporate account.... Please send an email to Corporate Support Team <corporate-support@malwarebytes.org> with your Cleverbridge order reference number and they will assist you.
  19. Go ahead and work on those logs for AdvancedSetup as stated above.... Also how did you eliminate the video card? Have you tried using a different video card?
  20. Hello and Sorry to hear you are having problems. Not sure Malwarebytes can cause this issue, it could just be a coincident that it happened at the same time you ran the scan.... A little more info would be good.... 1. Did you have an infection? Can you supple a log of what was removed? 2. How did you eliminate the above items. Did you try using a different monitor, or use the monitor in question on a different computer to test it? 3. Is this a desktop or laptop? Sounds like its a desktop (sorry some folks call the screen on a laptop a monitor also) 4. Are you using Windows XP or are you using Windows Vista. Lets get those answered so we can try to help you better.
  21. I see you have already posted in the Hijackthis section HERE, wait for an expert to help you there
  22. Hello and as this appears that you are in a corporate environment..... Please send an email to Corporate Support Team <corporate-support@malwarebytes.org> with your Cleverbridge order reference number and they will assist you.
  23. Hi, and Welcome to Malwarebytes! Please read the following so that you can begin the cleaning process: As we don't deal with malware removal in the General Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware Forum, you need to start a topic in the Malware Removal forum so a qualified helper can help you fix any malware related problems/infections you may have. Please read and follow the directions here, skipping any steps you are unable to complete. Then post a NEW topic here. After posting your new post, make sure under options, you select Track this topic and choose Immediate Email Notification, so that you're alerted when someone has replied to your post. One of the expert helpers there will give you one-on-one assistance when one becomes available. Please refrain from making any further changes to your computer (Install/Uninstall programs, use special fix tools, delete files, edit the registry, etc...) unless advised by a malware removal helper. Doing so can result in system changes which may hinder the attempts by a helper to clean your machine. NOTE: Please DO NOT post back to (bump) your topic within the first 48 hours. Replying to your own posts changes the post count and helpers are looking for topics with zero replies. If you reply to your own post helpers may think that you're already being helped and thus overlook your post. If there is no reply from any experts after 48 hours, you can reply to the topic, asking for help again. Or You may send a Private Message to a Moderator asking for assistance. Alternatively, as a paying customer, you can contact the help desk at support@malwarebytes.org or here. Please be patient, someone will assist you as soon as it is possible. PS: Please use the "ADDREPLY" button instead of other ones when you start replying.
  24. as for the file "f3pssavr.scr", make sure you have Show Hidden files and folders when you go searching for it. I am not sure if this is a false positive.
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