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John A

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Everything posted by John A

  1. Does MBAE work OK with Disconnect software?
  2. This issue needs to be addressed. I refuse to commit to any transaction that requires auto credit card deductions.
  3. Double clicking on mbae desktop shortcut results in multiple instances of mbae. OK on reboot.. MBAE
  4. I deleted logs up to experimental version. How do I reset the counter? Don't worry, I have reset it by clearing logs!
  5. Can't see anything about blocked attempt in logs, and did not receive any notifications
  6. MBAE says Blocked exploit attempts = 2, however none have been notified. Windows XP
  7. I opened IE, FF & Chrome, stopped MBAE while they were open - all three browsers disappeared
  8. Just to make sure it is MBAE experimental version, I reinstalled the release version of MBAE and confirmed that these issues then did not occur. Reinstalled experimental version, issues reappeared. When I stop AntiExploit, everything works fine - I don't see the issues you are experiencing.
  9. Office, Adobe Acrobat reader X all OK on my box.
  10. Sorry I forgot that you posted that. So it isn't only XP which is good to know. It is not a Firefox issue either - as I mentioned, it also happens with Chrome browser on my XP - can you try Chrome on your box? Internet Explorer operates without issue.
  11. Could be related to XP? I am using Firefox v30
  12. Same issue occurs with chrome.exe
  13. No problem, the issue occurs infrequently and is just an annoyance really, but I would like to resolve it.
  14. Installed OK over top of production version. Started Firefox, changed a setting, closed Firefox, Attached failure occurred. Windows XP (with POSReady registry hack), Malwarebytes Pro, no antivirus Easy to replicate - Open Firefox, Close Firefox.
  15. It only ever occurs with one web site failing - it has happened on www.google.com and www.tomtom.com as well as your site.
  16. Well it occurred once again on my Win7 computer. forums.malwarebytes.org fail to open in IE, FF & Chrome. I tested about twenty other websites in all three browsers - all loaded OK. Connected OK to forums.malwarebytes.org on another computer, therefore nothing was wrong with the site. Back on the Win7 computer - closed all three browsers, reopened, same problem. Exited Malwarebytes, Opened all three browsers and forums.malwarebytes.org loaded without problems Started Malwarebytes, forums.malwarebytes.org continued to load without problems What to try next?
  17. Router hijacking may be another issue here. Do you know if the default admin password is used in the router?
  18. I have done 1 and will see if the issue occurs again
  19. Happened again with www.reuters.com using Firefox, also occurred when I tried it in IE. Decided to do another Wireshark run. Ran Wireshark during which I did the following: - attempted to open www.reuters.com - failed - - Exited MBAM - Closed Firefox - opened Firefox and successfully connected to www.reuters.com I then restarted MBAM and had no problems with the above web site Wireshark file attached Reuters.zip
  20. And it just happened again, this time with www.tomtom.com IE & Firefox Other web sites work fine Exit MBAM and restart IE - connects fine
  21. And once again this time trying to access https://forums.malwarebytes.org/ All other web sites load no problems Exited MBAM, restarted IE and https://forums.malwarebytes.org/ worked. I won't run Wireshark again until the last log posted is looked at.
  22. Happened again with www.malwarebytes.org Ran Wireshark during which I did the following: - opened another web site successfully - refresh attempts on www.malwarebytes.org - all failed - Exited MBAM - Closed IE - opened IE and successfully connected to www.malwarebytes.org Image of initial failure attached Wireshark file attached MBAM.zip
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