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John A

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Everything posted by John A

  1. This issue appears to be resolved in Windows 10 build 9879
  2. I forgot to mention that I am currently using Windows 10 TP build 9860. I'll let you know if the issue resolves with any future builds.
  3. Not sure where to post this. It happens with as well as Also, this could be an issue with Windows 10 x 32 so I have logged a feedback to Microsoft. However it hasn't happened on any other task bar item so far. Issue: After signing in to Windows, the first time I double click on MBAE icon, or right click > Show Malwarebytes..., MBAE is displayed in the top left corner of a full screen window that obliterates the task bar. The next time, and thereafter I open MBAE it behaves correctly - ie in its small window centre screen Issue is easily reproducible.
  4. I just noticed that the MBAE icon on my Windows 7 x 32 desktop was missing, but mbae.exe process was still running. I think the icon was there earlier today but maybe it didn't appear at startup. A reboot saw the icon appear again. I will be more observant at startup in future. Is this a known issue?
  5. Doesn't occur on my three platforms, all with IE11
  6. Installed on the following and all running well so far. Windows 10 9860 Windows 7 x 32 Windows 8.1 x 64
  7. I have been using MBAE with no issures for a week or so. Today when I started the computer, I received the following message: "Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit Protection is not started. The Anti-Exploit process will be terminated" I restarted MBAE manually and it started OK. Windows 10 Build 9860 x 32 bit. No antivirus (and Defender is off).
  8. I ran a scan (scan failed), but it downloaded and installed 2014.10.14.04 again??? Then I enabled Malicious Web Site protection and now all green lights.
  9. OK I'll give it a go later this week
  10. I might wait until you test it first.
  11. Will MBAE or any new test version work on Windows 10 Preview?
  12. Still the same issue when right clicking the icon in Win8x64
  13. Installed without crashing IE on Windows 8 x 64 and differentr Windows 7 x 32 The only apparent difference is that the pro version was installed on the one with IE failure, the free version on the other two
  14. Installed 1012 with IE open on Windows 7 x 32, IE crashed. Problem signature: Problem Event Name: BEX Application Name: iexplore.exe Application Version: 11.0.9600.17239 Application Timestamp: 53d22946 Fault Module Name: mbae.dll_unloaded Fault Module Version: Fault Module Timestamp: 53ed2b77 Exception Offset: 6f057820 Exception Code: c0000005 Exception Data: 00000008 OS Version: 6.1.7601. Locale ID: 3081 Additional Information 1: 0a9e Additional Information 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789 Additional Information 3: 0a9e Additional Information 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
  15. I shall do that. Yes it is frustrating.
  16. The problem has not occurred again for over a month now. I have not changed any software on the computer so have been unable to obtain any further information for you to help isolate the problem
  17. Hi tonyt84 Did you install Malwarebytes Antimalware or Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit? If Antimalware, post your topic here: https://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?/forum/41-malwarebytes-anti-malware-help/ If Anti-Exploit, I suggest you post a new topic in this forum as yours is a different issue.
  18. I have been caught out a couple of times where I stopped protection, rebooted then forgot that protection was stopped. I know that the icon is a different colour when it is stopped, but I thought it would be a good idea for MBAE to put up a warning notification on startup if protection is off.
  19. Yes, same computer. How do I export the required group policy? Unsure how to locate it in GPEDIT - it will only export what is in view. Also, I normally operate using a LOCAL account, which may be relevant.
  20. I haven't seen this one for a while. Symptom is two MBAM icons in task bar, each showing different database. Windows 7 x 32. All good on restart.
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