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Everything posted by mountaintree16

  1. Yay thanks! Cool May I ask where you are going to have it?
  2. hehe I like digging for answers too, if there is something I can't figure out and I just feel like I have to find out... good detective work
  3. Thanks for the info & the link, Shy haha that's hilarious that it's on Amazon. I had thought that that picture was a joke...maybe it is a real item, probably just a novelty, though. I'll ask him where he got it, he's had it since he had his Win98 machine though, so quite a while... Yeah, those round-back connectors, I remember them quite well, still see them on a few machines here and there... I don't think that they'll be coming back, though. Everything is USB or (some other new thing that I have no idea about) these days... @goldhound Yeah, I don't miss the illegal operation messages either.... those were so annoying and happened so frequently I'd nearly forgotten about that until you brought it up.
  4. byte_king, That bird picture is fantastic! Might I use it hehe?
  5. Great pictures guys! Last night after I shut off my computer I (think) I remembered the url for the site I mentioned, I'll double check it next time I am on my computer and if that is the one and I get no peep out of my security software (I don't think that I will), I'll post the url here for everyone to enjoy
  6. That's a great picture, Ron I did a free wallpaper search and the first one that I chose that seemed decent was blocked by my Hostsfile. I used to know a real nice site for wallpapers but I cannot remember the url at present
  7. I think that was before any computers I came into contact with, Shy, but I do remember seeing a picture that had only the ctrl alt del keys for the keyboard... I'll try to find it and if I do I'll post it under jokes or something... it had a funny caption too Edit: I found it. I'll just attach it here
  8. Oh, okay, thanks for clearing that up for me. Cute pic all in all!
  9. Thanks Exile, I'll do that then. Same three files you told me before? Edit: All done
  10. One of the reasons I preferred FX over IE 4+ years ago (and still do) is because of the fact that it had tabs and a built-in spell checker. Of course, most if not all browsers have tabs now, but IE is still lacking the built-in spell checker, which is a downside for me. I am a pretty good speller and typically read over things before I post/send them, but a built in checker is still a plus for me.
  11. He probably could, but I don't really need it that bad, don't wanna bug anyone. I just totally forget sometimes and try it anyway, but it don't work. It was a good alternative to power-off via the button (which we all know is a bad idea) though!
  12. True... But I still miss it. Sometimes I absent-mindedly still think it will work so I try it anyway, but to no avail
  13. When you pressed ctrl alt del twice in a row really quickly, the computer would restart. It was handy... hehe
  14. Maybe its just me, but my exclusions seem to save in KAV, Exile. When I do a clean uninstall and before I re-install Mbam, I see the pathfile still there but a blank spot where the icon should be, then when I install Mbam again, I see the Mbam icon again next to the pathfile that I originally made for exclusions. In this case, do you think that exclusions should be done over again anyway? I can give you a screen shot, if you want.
  15. Here are some links you can check out if you want, some are older but will give you some information anyway. http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/uninstall/94/Ask-Toolbar.html http://msmvps.com/blogs/donna/archive/2009/03/12/webroot-adds-ask-toolbar-again.aspx http://www.malwarehelp.org/news/article-5117.html http://hphosts.blogspot.com/2009/10/goodbye-clamwin-it-was-nice-while-it.html http://msmvps.com/blogs/donna/archive/2009/09/17/not-good-clamwin-free-av-released-a-build-with-ask-toolbar.aspx
  16. Well personally even though I don't really like McAfee, I don't condone making fun of them.
  17. Using my computer again today, it was around 78K when I turned it on, but now its settled around 62K again, and last night it was around 55K... so I think after the computer has been on for a bit it calms down...
  18. Cheating doesn't get people anywhere in life. Just do your homework, and stay away from that website.
  19. Thanks for posting this, I am definitely going to read it later!
  20. Well what do you need help with, IDKW? I can try to remember some old sites I used to reference. Also does your school offer a tutoring program? You should look into it. If your school has a guidance counselor, she or he should be able to steer you in the direction of a tutor as well.
  21. Yeah, that makes sense and I understand, thanks again Ron Like I've said a many times before, I never want to go without Malwarebytes again, so it's okay. And if I had to, I could roll back a version for a span of time anyway.
  22. Thanks Ron, I just read it Only reason I am concerned and bringing it up is becuase I don't have a lot of memory to begin with. It's settled down to just under 62K though, and isn't really effecting anything anymore. Cheers
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