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Everything posted by mountaintree16

  1. Other open source too... kinda scary... scary stuff....
  2. Happy Happy Birthday, Steve Hope its a great one!!!
  3. It is. They are so cute! I kept saying awww awww AWWWW look a fuzzy tail... aww look a cute fuzzy face... hehe
  4. Sure has I could probably watch this all day... hehe
  5. He/she is awake and active right now... the other times when I viewed he/she was asleep. Yay for cuteness Edit: There are two of them!!
  6. http://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2010/12/16...orking-threats/
  7. Thank you!! Happy Holidays and Happy New Year everyone!!
  8. I learned HTML in high school and we made webpages and stuff... and I also took a Dreamweaver class... pretty awesome stuff This thread has some pretty good links for that too http://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?showtopic=69999
  9. I think contacting Ubuntu directly is a great idea Welcome to Honorary Members, by the way
  10. I didn't think that you were looking to get rich quick I figured that you just wanted to help people. It is completely understandable though to want to recoup shipping & cd costs... charging a buck or two for that (if you wanted) in my opinion doesn't seem unreasonable. You are most welcome! I wish I knew the answers, but with burning and distributing media, source code, os's, etc... things can be so complicated, and you always need to make sure you're doing things legally (well I'd like to think that people would, not everyone does:( )
  11. mmmm what about some sort of a security checker? I know there are plenty of these (such as Secunia and Chris [screen317] has made one as well), and there must be plenty out there, but it's something to think about. Maybe something that checks the OS, status of 3rd party plugins (Adobe, QuickTime, RealPlayer, etc...) for up-to-date ness, and for the presence of some realtime antivirus software?
  12. Check out these links I found: http://georgia.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1424237 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=158892 http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-general-1/is-it-legal-to-sell-linux-distributions-19529/ http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-distributions-5/how-can-people-sell-homemade-copies-of-linux-over-ebay-69482/ To answer your question personally, I am not sure. I would think a lot of research should be done before hand. Hopefully someone else will have some more insight too
  13. Hehe a computer that my friends mom has is nearly 10 years old... Yay Spinach!
  14. Glad the scans came up clear As I said, if there is any bit of doubt that you have, please get your machine checked. P.S Try to use the ADD REPLY button
  15. Google pictures now fades the background of the pictures while showing the picture itself in the middle now, that is normal... I don't like the new Google images setup personally To answer your question, I have most definitely gotten an IP block when Google image searching, and I wasn't even viewing the website the picture was on yet, just the thumbnail after the search... Do a quick scan with Malwarebytes & a full and/or quick scan with your AV. Chances are you are fine but if you are at all concerned you can take a visit to the malware removal forum
  16. Aww hehe, well at least you know it wasn't anything malicious now Don't be sorry!
  17. Thanks Exile, if/when it happens again, I will most certainly do this Thank you very much!
  18. Happy Happy Birthday! Hope its a great one!
  19. You're welcome, good luck! Hopefully it's nothing too bad.
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