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Everything posted by mountaintree16

  1. Thank you for your last statement, Marcin Especially this part: That is one reason why I love Malwarebytes Also, slightly off topic, support.com is blocked in my hosts file for some reason, I'll have to make an exception for that so I can visit the website sometime Edit: Unblocked
  2. Yeah the sys32 one is not such a good joke... wouldn't deleting that hose the machine?
  3. Gary, you should probably start your own thread, as you and Buttons probably have different issues going on. Also, its best to have your own thread anyway so each person can get help instead of both of you getting help in the same thread where it can get very confusing.
  4. byte_king, I am so happy to hear that you are recovering well and that you are able to start walking again!!! May you continue to heal and I hope you're able to get back to where you were or nearly there prior to the accident. I'll keep you in my thoughts and hopefully we'll see another post from you in the near future that you are doing even better! It really infuriates me that people have such a disregard to safety, other peoples lives, and their own lives because apparently something is so much more important than giving driving their full attention. My opinion on the matter is, unless you have to make a quick call for an emergency (and even then try to pull over or something and don't talk longer than you have to), put the phone away, put the newspaper away, put the laptop away, whatever it is that could distract you. Just put it out of reach and give driving your full attention! Nothing is so important that one should be risking the lives of others and their own. If you feel like you must, pull over!! It's not that hard. Or don't do it if you can't be bothered to pull over.
  5. Guess I was confused, I thought you thought it was funny b/c they were downloading an infected file and Norton came to save the day. I don't think we should be poking fun @ AV/AM vendors who are all in the fight against malware together.
  6. You're welcome. Thanks. Music is amazing
  7. manually delete any part that you don't want quoted
  8. Also there are guides on the forum as well. check out pinned topics here: http://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?showforum=41
  9. I uninstalled java a year or so ago now. The few things that needed it that I used had an alternative so I just use that. Some people need it, I find that I basically do not. If I need it, I know where to get it. Some online games, web conferencing, etc... needs java.
  10. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/01/07/microsoft_explains_hotmail_outage/
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