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Is this malwarebytes lifetime premium 5pcs legit?

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Short answer: NO.

Ebay is NOT an authorized reseller.

See here: https://support.malwarebytes.org/customer/portal/articles/1835296-can-i-buy-malwarebytes-anti-malware-from-ebay-?b_id=6438


Also, since March 2014, the typical consumer license for MBAM Premium is a 3-PC, subscription license. There is no such thing as a 5-PC, subscription consumer license.

Most authorized, legit resellers have sold out their remaining stock of the 1-PC, lifetime consumer licenses. There never was a 5-PC, lifetime consumer license.


It would be advisable to purchase your MBAM Premium license either directly from the Malwarebytes online store >>here<<, or from a legitimate reseller, such as Newegg or Amazon.


Thank you,

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Thanks but there's zero chance i'm paying yearly. That price should be for businesses not consumers, i only need one license also, 3 is pointless.




This one has 4000 sales with no negatives about it when i checked, also looks like a charity, that must be legit?

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Sorry, I am just a home user, too.

I do not have any control over the marketing policies.

I'm only passing along the information.

The current, legal, 3-PC consumer, subscription license can be shared with others in the same household (e.g. family members).

And $25 is much cheaper than the cost and aggravation of trying to recover from a serious malware infection (or trying to recoup one's money from a fraudulent reseller).


I doubt anyone here would suggest making an ebay purchase, for the reasons already mentioned. :(

First and foremost, there never was a 5-PC lifetime license, for consumers or business.

If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is, unfortunately.



We have received numerous reports in the past that buyers have been deceived with a non-working license key from their eBay purchases. To protect yourself from fraudulent sales of used or non-working product, please purchase Malwarebytes Anti-Malware from one of our trusted partners.

If you have additional questions or need assistance with this particular scenario, please contact support.



Thank you again,

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  • Root Admin

One needs to be careful. Currently we allow quite a bit of leniency for license abuse. That will be curtailed a bit more in the future and illegal licenses such as this will be black listed and we will not reissue a license for this type either. Try to buy through a more legit channel. As Firefox said if you search you may still find a few 1 PC lifetime licenses but there are no 5 PC licenses of Consumer either lifetime or subscription.


I don't have a real need myself but I bought several of the 1 PC lifetime licenses myself for friends and family at a reduced rate from Amazon a while back so that I could use for gifts, etc as they came in the retail box.


The 2nd link you provided does appear to probably be the correct one, but I cannot vouch for the seller

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  • Administrators

Hi qozex, 
To reiterate what Ron said above, Malwarebytes has never issued a 5 PC consumer lifetime license and currently we do not offer anything more than 3 PC subscription license.
We're in the process of issuing a takedown on that 5 PC listing on eBay. 

I'm working with our reseller team to determine if the other eBay listing is a legitimate reseller (currently, we discourage resellers from selling on eBay. More info here) or if they purchased MBAM Pro from a legitimate source. If they are not, a takedown notice will also be issued on eBay.

To save yourself the trouble of potentially non-working license keys or pirated keys, which can be blacklisted at anytime, I agree with everyone else above and to recommend just purchasing from our website or from a reputable reseller/retailer.


Please let me know if you have any additional questions.




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