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Got this message today when Malwarebyte should update for the third or fourth time since 16.06.11

Got this message:

Program_error_updating(12163, 0,IsInternetconnected)

Same as last time, have to reinstall version 1.50 and update.

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Hello Celcius,

Did you move the test file I sent you properly before launching MBAM?

We are testing potential fixes and need the reports of what has worked and what hasn't.

Thank you very much for your understanding.

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Hello Celcius,

Did you move the test file I sent you properly before launching MBAM?

We are testing potential fixes and need the reports of what has worked and what hasn't.

Thank you very much for your understanding.

I have run into the same problem on a friend's computer for which I have the maintenance responsibility. We had some dialogue at the time with Tom Mercado of your support staff, but no satisfactory resolution. Thumbnail specs of that computer: HP Media Center, Win Vista Home Premium (x64) SP2 fully updated, Microsoft Security Essentials, SpywareBlaster, MVPS Hosts file. MBAM free edition. This computer is connected to the Internet via a Hughes.net satellite modem, linked to the computer via USB 2. Mouseover on the network connection icon in the system tray shows Currently connected to: Network 2, Access: Local only. Internet browsing (MSIE 8.0) and E-mail (Windows Mail) work normally. Have tried updating with and without a browser window open. No difference.

When this first arose about a month ago, owner went to Microsoft online help, the MS tech took over the machine using TeamViewer software and was able to update MBAM. A few minutes after he signed off, I was able to update MBAM again - but not since then in spite of multiple attempts.

I do NOT have this updating problem on my own computer (Win XP Home SP3 fully updated, Avast! free, otherwise as above but on dialup connection with conventional modem. Currently running MBAM and no problems updating. That is the computer from which I am posting now (the other one is 3/4 mile down the road).

Thanks for any advice,


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Thanks Grant, no he did not.

I am ready to try whatever you recommend.


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Hello saluqi,

Please check your PM and follow the directions there. Please let me know if that works for the user.

Thank you.

I'm pleased to report that this fix worked. I did not have to reinstall. Needless to say the user is delighted.

Thanks very much,


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