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lightnig killed one of my pc's

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hey guys, I had lightning strike a transformer on the pole right outside here, didn't have power all day now its back on one of my pc's looks like it may be fried, it also fried my router :(

does anyone have any ideals before I give up on it.

It was plugged into a surge protector the power went off and came back on it was booting back up when the power went off again, when I first plugged it back in it was completely dead after tinkering with it for a minute I got the power to come on ... sorta the fan runs & the cd tray ejects and it sounds like the harddrive is running but it won't boot there is no VGA signal going to the any monitor there is no beep (that's usual during bootup), there isn't any response if you push the power button, the led light next to the power button is out, I don't smell or see anything burnt

we've tried different monitors, unplugging the power supply to the motherboard for a few, unplugging the hardrive, swapping out ram, leaving the dvd drive unhooked then trying to boot, took out battery for cmos put it back in, took out processor put it back in, switching psu from 115 to 230, unplugging the fan, the paper clip trick,


I'm stumped

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Hello wildman424:

I'm very sorry to hear of your experience. :(

If no POST beeps are heard it sounds like that case could contain the best motherboard/processor combination in the house within a few days.

Could your present PSU take a modern mobo upgrade? Would the computer have been worth a major upgrade? Your surge protector strip is probably failed too.

:( :( :(

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when lightning strikes a pole-pig or line ... all the bets are off .

man , i have seen some odd results from hits ...

a cheapo cd player survives while the big screen tv plugged into the same outlet gets wiped out .

but yeah , it seems that your MB is toast .

i am working on a box that was hit ... i did a few of the things you did and in the end , the PS and MB got wiped out .

i have to call and give my friend the good news today .

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I had this happen to me once. I had all my stuff on a UPS too.

I found out that the surge came in through my cable modem, and then fried my router, hub, and 5 network cards. The network cards that were build into the motherboard, some of those also fried the motherboard.

I was able to prove to the cable company that they had failed to ground there wire coming into my home so they had to pay the bill to fix and replace my equipment.

Worth a try checking. (after doing this type of work for some time, most surges I have seen come in through the phone modem or cable modem this is why my UPS now also protects my phone line and CAT5 lines).

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thanks guys I don't think its worth replacing the motherboard, or performing any upgrade its a piece of junk. :(

it fried the router, and my emachine but two old Dell dimensions survived :unsure:

it just had to fry my main box with my VM's, all my notes,and reference material

what a tragedy so depressing :(

need a converter for sata to the old 80 pin connectors to see if the data on the hardrive is still intact

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decision time install Windows on my Dell Dimension beside my Linux ?

If you have some projected surplus space on your HDD, why not? The Linux system can give you another possible avenue for salvaging the neighboring Windows system if & when it suffers a debilitating blow without sufficient fallback.

You can use the Windows system for interesting research during your malware quest. Win-win.

HTH :)

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Hello Wildman424

I have used this forum alot back in the day of the older eMachines and found their info spot-on, so if you have a 250w bestec ps in your eM also check the KB if was connected to the eM.

1) The power supply fails or gets surge damage, and lacking overvoltage protection, fries the motherboard and keyboard. Hard drives and memory and processors usually survive. The classic culprit for this is the Bestec 250W supply in older machines, and you MUST throw it away before it can fry a replacement motherboard. The newer 300W is better in this respect, and no-one has had it fry a motherboard when it fails so far.

Unofficial eMachines Forums

Side note

I second Firefoxs' adapter pick, I have one similar to one posted and easy to use. :)

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thanks for the additional info guys :)

I installed Windows Xp on my seconary HD on the Dell last night ( can't believe I corruped a perfectly good Linux by installing Windows beside it :P ) Oh well

just checking in, got to let sp3 install looks like it might be a few more days before I can go hunting for malware again.

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heh ... odd that ...

the machine i referenced above is an older emachines .

a quick check around google shows two major malfunctions with this particular machine from the get-go :

the swmps

the MB

this also applied to several other models that used the same make/model of swmps and MB .

i gotta admit though ... the case is built from decent sheet metal .


*somewhere* i recall reading that emachines was the other side of the acer factory .

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heh ... odd that ...

the machine i referenced above is an older emachines .

a quick check around google shows two major malfunctions with this particular machine from the get-go :

the swmps

the MB

this also applied to several other models that used the same make/model of swmps and MB .

i gotta admit though ... the case is built from decent sheet metal .


*somewhere* i recall reading that emachines was the other side of the acer factory .

I believe Acer, e-machine, and gateway are all manufactured by the same company.

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