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Windows Defender

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Hello and welcome. Honestly, probably not, as Windows Defender is usually pretty bad about lagging behind when it comes to detecting new threats. However, it doesn't hurt either. Having a backup layer of protection is always a good thing as long as it doesn't slow your system down (which it wouldn't) and as long as it doesn't conflict with the other protections you're running (which it won't). So I would say keep it around, even if it never catches/blocks anything, you'll be just a little bit safer with it than without it. I also highly recommend SpywareBlaster and Spybot Search & Destroy because they both use a passive method of blocking malicious websites and malicious active x controls without having to run in the background so you don't lose any performance. A good firewall would also be a good idea, like Comodo or ZoneAlarm (both free).

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Further information about Windows Defender.

Check for updates daily:

Now available on Microsoft's update portal

Windows Defender Antispyware: v1.49.643.0


End Windows Defender then download mpas-fe.exe then run it.

If you use a HOSTS file it provides real-time monitoring and malware is now modifying the HOSTS file to prevent access to popular anti virus sites.

I use hpHosts and MVPS HOSTS files:

http://www.mvps.org/winhelp2002/hosts.htm <== has a good description of the HOSTS file and its use

I manage them with HostsMan and I use its HostsServer proxy to speed up browsing:


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Do I still need to install Windows Defender if I purchased your Product?

I also use Symantec/Norton Anti Virus Corporate Editon.


I am so glad I found your product!

Thanks for the advise. I also downloaded SpywareBlaster and it has been great with the Active X stuff. As far as the firewall, I found Comodo more user friendly.

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Keep Defender, as it will do no harm and you never know when you may need it - layered protection is best.

I had my Zone Alarm tested at Shields Up and it passed all the stealth tests 100%. As far as the outside world was concerned my machine was invisible. Also, the guy at Shields Up speaks very highly of Zone Alarm, free and pro.

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From my understanding, Steve Gibson (Shields up!) doesn't recommend ZoneAlarm free anymore, I don't know about the pro version. But to compare ZoneAlarm Free & Comodo Firewall protection, Comodo is simply unmatchable - with or without Defense+

I was on the site only a couple of days ago and Steve Gibson was still recommending the pro and free version - can comodo beat 100% on the stealth tests? Also, Zone Alarm does not nag the user to death with constant pop ups but then again we all have our preferences.

I agree that Malwarebytes is the best.

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I was on the site only a couple of days ago and Steve Gibson was still recommending the pro and free version - can comodo beat 100% on the stealth tests? Also, Zone Alarm does not nag the user to death with constant pop ups but then again we all have our preferences.

Don't know what you've been reading, but ZoneAlarm free usually scores terrible on leak tests. In fact, my favorite firewall testing site no longer tests the free version.

As far as Comodo free vs ZoneAlarm Pro, Comodo blows it away as far as protection. Anyone who says otherwise has a reseller account.


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Don't know what you've been reading, but ZoneAlarm free usually scores terrible on leak tests. In fact, my favorite firewall testing site no longer tests the free version.

As far as Comodo free vs ZoneAlarm Pro, Comodo blows it away as far as protection. Anyone who says otherwise has a reseller account.


I hope you were not accusing me of being a reseller, cheek. I can only say the score i received on the site two days ago - if you don't like it, tough. Its amazing how people like you get so touchy when their little pet gets critized - learn to live with it. Have you tested your firewall at Shields Up? Did it get more than a 100%?!

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I hope you were not accusing me of being a reseller, cheek. I can only say the score i received on the site two days ago - if you don't like it, tough. Its amazing how people like you get so touchy when their little pet gets critized - learn to live with it. Have you tested your firewall at Shields Up? Did it get more than a 100%?!

No need to get cantankerous. I was referring to this Steve Gibson you were talking about. If he's claiming it's good, then he's trying to make money off of the sales.

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No need to get cantankerous. I was referring to this Steve Gibson you were talking about. If he's claiming it's good, then he's trying to make money off of the sales.

I was not being cantankerous - your comment could have been clearer. Shields Up has a very good reputation and on his site he makes positive comments about some firewalls and negative ones about others. Why don't you visit the site and see what you think.

We disagree about firewalls, no problem - life is too short.

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I was not being cantankerous - your comment could have been clearer. Shields Up has a very good reputation and on his site he makes positive comments about some firewalls and negative ones about others. Why don't you visit the site and see what you think.

We disagree about firewalls, no problem - life is too short.

Steve Gibson and Shieldsup go way back to pre xp days, his site was one of the first shut down by the script kids. Zonealarm can be an effective firewall but so is pulling the cable. I have seen way too many connection problems caused by zone alarm.

It can be too much for many users to configure effectively.

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Steve Gibson and Shieldsup go way back to pre xp days, his site was one of the first shut down by the script kids. Zonealarm can be an effective firewall but so is pulling the cable. I have seen way too many connection problems caused by zone alarm.

It can be too much for many users to configure effectively.

According to the test my ZA performed well, it does not give annoying pop ups and its given me no connection problems.

Now if your firewall performed like that, would you change it, no of course not.

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Do I still need to install Windows Defender if I purchased your Product?

I also use Symantec/Norton Anti Virus Corporate Editon.


I am so glad I found your product!

To respond to the OP, you do not "need" Windows Defender, but I would suggest it is well worth keeping resident. I do.

I refer you to Bill Castner's excellent treatise on the value of WD here:


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To respond to the OP, you do not "need" Windows Defender, but I would suggest it is well worth keeping resident. I do.

I refer you to Bill Castner's excellent treatise on the value of WD here:


similar to the way in which third-party utilities such as WinPatrol or Spybot S&D TeaTimer try to add these feature sets.

I have been reading Castner's excellent posts and quoted him several times since the 98 days, I guess no one's perfect or unbiased

run ducking from bolts of lightning


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