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Portable version???


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Having just cleared a group of rootkit and rogue trash from my wife's computer I must say I too would love a portable version of your program. I was unsucessful in installing Malwarebytes, Adaware, Spybot or any other tool to clean the machine by the rogue apps I was needing to clean up. It took a search and destroy manual effort in the registry to stun the malware to the point where Spybot finaly installed. After running it twice, the first time it was blocked from updating, I was able to use all of the tools to clean things up.

Don't get me wrong I love your program and I'll be buying it instead of just using your free version very soon.

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Hi All. I have been assigned with the task of trying to make it somewhat portable. Atleast, another method of installation should our malware enemies keep trying to disable our installation.

This isn't something you should expect to see for sometime however, as MBAM really does make use of several technologies, and some of them have to be tweaked a bit for some portability.

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I definately appreciate it, I've been waiting a long time for this. One thing that would probably be necessary is installing it's drivers automatically when the program runs and having them run from the location of the program itself instead of the System32 folder. That's how SAS seems to work and it does run portably. Of course there could be some differences that I am unaware of that would make this impossible so I won't hold my breath. Thanks for giving it a try either way.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Root Admin
Why don't people try to make it themself?

Can't you uuse the SFX feature in a program like winRAR?

Just try and find all of the mbam files on your computer!

The installation is the issue and the forums and automated installer are designed for the average user in mind. If you have the computer knowledge then by all means I'm sure you could figure out a method to get it installed on your own. For the masses though that don't know how that is what an alternative is for. In this case the WinRAR method would fail to install as well depending on which application was blocking it and how.

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Using SFX etc would still require registering dll's and installing MBAM's drivers to run it and for it to be able to detect/remove nasty malware. SAS is portable because it keeps it's dll's and drivers in the SAS program folder and registers/installs them all as soon as you execute the main program. All that needs to be installed are the definitions in the user data folder, which can be done with a batch file.

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Is a portable version of MBAM in development?

It would be nice have a portable executable - I would even pay for it ($25-$30) per license....

Try using VMware's ThinApp; it packages apps into portable versions. I tried it with several apps, like Safari, and it works.

Not sure about MBAM; considering its complexity ...

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  • 2 weeks later...

We have an IT support group for small businesses and this would be an outstanding portable clean up tool if you can make it portable. We use other products to do the similar scanning routines (like ClamWin for antivirus). You have a great product here and making it portable would make this an OUTSTANDING program.

Thanks for looking into doing this! There is a great need for this.

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  • 1 month later...
I have MBAM installed on all my computers, but a portable version of this already amazing app would definitely come in handy. I registered today, just so I can stay in the loop!

I'll have to get more info from Marcin about these "closer to portable options", because he hasn't said jack to me about it.

Normally our software is crippled without the use of it's drivers, which are installed by the installer.

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OK, just talked with Marcin, and there is no portable version in the works yet, but they are working on a special technician version (not portable).

I'll let him announce the details when he's ready, because I get the impression that it's not even ready for beta testing yet.

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  • 3 weeks later...

My wishlist :-

Portable MBAM

Portable Bootable MBAM

Bootable MBAM CD with System Recovery tools similar to a v a s t! B A R T CD (can i mention this can i? sorry)

Must be easily updateable.

Keep it lightweight

Must work with major antivirus programs such as Symantec, McAfee, etc.

Affortable Pricing for low tech guy like me

3 - 4 Users Affortable Pricing (I have not heard of a family with ONE PC so far, typically 3)

Really affortable pricing for not-for-profit organisations ( i do a bit of volunteer work for many of these organisations and know their needs a bit)

Keep us update. I don't mind to be a beta tester if there is such a program.

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Greetings Raj

As for a portable version, that may happen someday, but would require that the entire codebase of the program be rewritten in a different programming language like C, so if this ever happens it most likely won't be soon. As far as a bootable PE version have a look at this very long thread: Plugin Available? To make a long story short, a bootable version will probably never be available, at least not one made by the developers of Malwarebytes' because it would be Extremely ineffective at detecting threats because it can't access the registry of an offline system the way that Spybot does and a huge part of how MBAM detects threats is based on file location as well as the registry. MBAM is designed to detect active infections on a running system in normal mode (even safe mode cripples it's detection and removal ability) so a PE version that works well enough to even make it worth developing is unlikely.

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:) B)

understand the complexity of porting such a fine and optimised program, but we always live in hope. so at least there is a chance of portable MBAM :rolleyes:

Thanks for the insight, exile360.

PS: Are you sure of your pc config? How can those antivirus lives with each other so harmonously! Kinda surprise...unless I misread.

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Yes, it took work and a lot of configuring to get the programs to play nice. They do and don't eat up nearly as much RAM when running simultaneously as you'd think. I'm running a Pentium D 830 with 3gb of ram and I play games while this stuff is running (my Sapphire HD4870 1Gb helps of course :) ). My approach is paranoid, but it works for me. I have a lot of experience with systems and software so this configuration is NOT for everyone.

Now back on topic, yes it would take a lot of work, but I've read more than just hints around here that porting it to C will happen, as to when, who knows? At this point probably not even Marcin (lead developer) because he and the others are far too busy fighting malware and fixing bugs. Maybe we can ask the makers of malicious software to take some time off so the developers have more time to work on porting it over and making it portable :rolleyes: ?

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