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Problems on new version 1.45 under Windows XP

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Good Afternoon,

First of all, excuse my english, plse, with is not very good.

I was a happy user of Malware, untill this new version 1.45 came... It's impossible to update files. I have got always an error message concerning updating.

It is not very funny ... I would like to continue to use malwareBytes free version.

And I would like to understand why it doesn't work ??? It was so easy before arrival of the new version.

Someone, would be so kind to give me some help, please?

I am under Windows XP and I use Norton

Thanks in advance for your reply,


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Hello and Welcome to Malwarebytes.....

With the new version you have to make sure you exclude the MBAM files from your Norton Antivirus program. Also is has been found that you need to do LiveUpdate on your Norton product as well. Try these steps first and let us know if you still have problems.

Here are the files you need to exclude:

Please exclude the following files from your antivirus:

Note: If using a software firewall besides the built in Windows Firewall you'll need to exclude them from it as well

For Windows XP:

  • C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\mbam.exe
  • C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\mbamgui.exe
  • C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\mbamservice.exe
  • C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\zlib.dll
  • C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\mbam.dll
  • C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\mbamext.dll
  • C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Malwarebytes\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\rules.ref
  • C:\Windows\System32\drivers\mbam.sys
  • C:\Windows\System32\drivers\mbamswissarmy.sys

Please post back and let us know how it went.

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Good afternoon,

Thank you very much for your explanation and for time spent on answering to my post.

I have understood what you expected me to try ... But, I 'm afraid I'm not trained enough in PC knowledge, to do this kind of thing : excluding files from Norton. I am sorry but I, even, don't know "where or how" to do this. I have tried to have a look to Norton AV and Firewall and I didn't found the access to exclude files.

Do you think this kind of "up-dating problem" on Malware software will be resolved, in a few days ?

Perhaps, the best thing to do, for unexperimented user (as I am) is to wait for available correction which will be included on next versions, above 1.45.

It's a same because I was really pleased with your software, easy to run and to understand.

I hope the staff will resolve the problem.

Excuse-me, once again please, for inconvenience.

Many thanks,


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Not sure what version of Norton you are using but here is a Self Help article for Norton 360 LOCATED HERE.

As far as it being fixed in the next version, I don't think MBAM will be doing any changes with this as this is not really an issue with Malwarebytes, but an issue with the Anti-virus software out there blocking the Malwarebytes processes. Once you exclude the files from your Anti-virus it should work fine.

Perhaps if you give us your version of Norton we may be able to help a little better.

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Hello, I seem to be having the same problem as the original poster. I too am running Windows XP with the same update problem. I also am running Norton Internet Security, and was able to add the files to the list of "Auto-Protect Exclusions" as listed on the post. This did not solve the problem. However, I am unsure how to add Malwarebytes files as exceptions to the software firewall provided by Norton. Is this all that's left that needs to be done to ensure that version 1.45 will work properly? If so, how does one configure the Norton firewall to handle Malwarebytes? Any other suggestions to make version 1.45 work with Windows XP and Norton Internet Security?

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No, adding the exclusions will not necessarily ensure that MBAM will update. It has helped some people with this problem, but not everyone. There is another thread on the forums concerning one of the update errors, and in it there are a number of suggestions as to things you can try to solve the problem. I've tried everything in the thread, and still version 1.45 won't update on my computer. I had no problem with version 1.44, so I may go back to it and see if it still updates. If it will no longer update, it looks like I have no other option at this time than uninstall MBAM.

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  • Root Admin


If you want assistance directed specifically for your system then you need to quit posting all over the board and make your own post and provide your own specific details.

I know it's difficult to think that there is possibly something on your own computer that might be part of the reason for having issues but so far in over a year of doing support here there have been maybe about 5 or 6 computers that we just could not fix and get it working and on every one it was something on the users computer.

Is the program different? Yes it is, but that's because we have to adapt to the ever changing Malware threats too or the product would not work to remove the threats that everyone else is missing and we detect and remove.

There are millions of different hardware, software, security, and personalization differences between all the computers out there in the World and trying to make any product run on every single system just isn't always possible. I've supported a 130,000 desktop business before and just pushing out WinZip to all the systems we found that there were about 30 computers that we just could not get WinZip to run on and we finally rebuilt the computers and on every one WinZip worked on the rebuilt computer.

The point being is that if you help us to help you I'm sure we can probably get our product working on your computer (which isn't too bad a deal considering that many are simply using the product completely free and we still offer you free support). The Developers and Management of Malwarebytes are often on the forums and read and sometimes respond to posts. There are not too many other software companies out there that still have actual developers and managers responding (a few but not many) and take an actual interest in their user and customer base. In over 20 years in the industry I don't recall ever chatting or posting for support with any top level management from Symantec, McAfee, Microsoft, Cisco, etc.

So, please take the time to create your own post and try to be considerate and helpful and we'll try to return the favor and help you as best we can. When posting please post the following information.

  1. OS Type (XP, Vista, Win7) and Service Pack level
  2. 32 Bit or 64 Bit
  3. Anti-Virus you're using (exact name and version level)
  4. Firewall (exact name and version level)
  5. Basic steps you've tried to correct the issue if any
  6. Other security software being used
  7. Also asks that other users please NOT respond into your post so that it does not become hijacked as most of these posts are and making it difficult to provide individual assistance
  8. Be willing to spend some time actually working on the issue with us, if you can't or don't want to then we probably will not be able to assist you. Depending on what is required we may send you a private message to run some test or scan so that you won't need to possibly post any personal data on the forums in the process if such testing becomes necessary

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Good Afternoon, All Members,


I have read your proposal to guide me through Norton AV / Firewall, in order to exclude "MBAM .exe" files, and I thank you for your help.

I have been checking on C: the localization of every file you requer exclusion.

I have got them all.

The final question is to know " How to proceed to this exclusion on Norton Program".

I work under :

O/S : Windows XP

Norton Internet Security 2005 - Version

Norton Antivirus Version

MBAM version in use, at the moment : 1.43 ( update # 3930 - 03/29/2010)

Error Message obtained when I start Up date on 1.43 version :

"MBAM ERROR UPDATING (12150,0, WINHttpQueryHeaders)"

Thanks in advance for your reply,

Have a nice week-end

Dikssi13 :)

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Good Morning all members,

Accordingly to solutions given in the forum as regards up dates problems with version 1.45,

May I have some Help, please, to let me know how can I exclude MWBA files from :

- Norton Fire wall

- & Norton Anti-virus

My Norton Versions are :

- Internet Security 2005 - Version 8071

- Anti Virus 110162

I have no idea of where are settled the panels I have to complete, in order to exclude MWBA files on both processes.

Many thanks,


(Windows Xp / Norton)

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Greetings Dikssi :)

Please take a look at this page on Symantec's website. Just click the + next to I have a Norton 2006/2005/2004 product and follow the instructions to exclude Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware's files, folders and processes accordingly.

Also, if you have any web filtering components installed (such as Parental Controls or Privacy Control), you may have to disable those features until Symantec corrects the issue (they are currently looking into it).

Thanks :)

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