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What's going on here? I ran my AVG Free 8.5 which had detected a trojan horse and it healed it and said my PC was clean. I then ran my Free Malwarebytes Anti-Malware and it also said I was clean. I then ran Update for Malwarebytes and it downloaded updates and then I got a threat detection from AVG which says:

File name: C:\ProgramDate\Malwarebytes\Malwarebyte'Anti-Malware\mbam-setup.exe

Threat name: Trojan horse Dropper.Agent.PKF

Detected on open.

Process name: C:\ProgramDate\Malwarebytes\Malwarebyte'Anti-Malware\mbam.exe

Process ID: 2312

What does this mean? Am I supposed to Ignore this? Is this what you call a False Positive? Please explain in simple terms what I'm supposed to do. I've got a PC running Vista.


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AVG is up to version 9

Since you are running AVG 8.5 Free version, do the following

Uninstall AVG

Then run the AVG Remover Tool: http://www.avg.com/filedir/util/support/avgremover_en.exe


Download and install Free Avira Antivirus http://www.free-av.com/

Install and update it, then run a full scan

I'm sure you will be surprised by the things it finds that AVG missed.

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Hello joephoto and welcome to the forums here at Malwarebytes.org :),

If you do want to switch to Avira from AVG, I always use this link :)

Otherwise, you should probably update from 8.5 to 9.0 with your AVG :)

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Just to wanted add to what others have said above.

Re updating to AVG9 - as Mountaintree16 has pointed out, version 9 is the latest version. However some are choosing not to update to it just yet as for the time being version 8.5 is still fully supported (i.e. it offers the same protection as version 9), and it seems version 9 has a number of bugs that are yet to be worked out. It's running well for many people, but causing a lot of headaches for others (judging by the posts in the version 9 section of the AVG free forum).

Version 8.5 uses the same virus definitions database as version 9, therefore I suspect if 8.5 is going to detect a MBAM file, so will version 9. You should let AVG know about this false positive as per AdvancedSetup's recommendation, else they won't correct it. The instructions for doing this are on a sticky post in the AVG forum, and the link to this is here: http://forums.avg.com/au-en/avg-free-forum...show&id=395

Good luck! :)

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Re updating to AVG9 - as Mountaintree16 has pointed out, version 9 is the latest version. However some are choosing not to update to it just yet as for the time being version 8.5 is still fully supported

Yes that was me who pointed that out originally by the way.

Regarding AVG's support on AVG8

The sole reason AVG still supports old versions is not because of bugs (unless you count the entire program as buggy) The reason is because not everyone updates straight away

But since AVG9 has been out for many months now, I think we can be satisfied that its the latest working version :)

I have suggested to uninstall it (plus obviously to run the removal tool) Mainly because why bother informing AVG? You inform them. Mean while Free Avira seems to be going along strong without issue.

Yes I promote free Avira Antivirus, only because I truly believe its the best (ie way better than AVG) I also believe Malwarebytes is the best Anti-Malware tool as well.

People can make their own minds up, and use what they like. But I will say I've seen more malware issues with AVG installed than Avira. Plus it seems to work well for me :) But I'm not bias, because if I find something better then I'll suggest that (free of course) At this stage, and at least for the last year or so, I believe Free Avira and Malwarebytes to be the best malware protection/disinfection of them all :)

So stick with old AVG8 or AVG8.5 if you like, and ponder why on earth they updated to the next, as you say, buggy version.

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Just a little info that might help, I use AVG 9 and I have not had the issue so far so I presume in 9 it has been fixed.

Is AVG 9 free?.....I don't think it is and I don't want to spend money. I contacted AVG and they said they don't recommend running both programs (AVG and Malwarebytes) on the same system. I will consider switching to Avira after I do some research......I don't need all this aggravation ( I use a Mac at work)....thanks for all the input.

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Yes that was me who pointed that out originally by the way.

I did see that, and I apologise for not mentioning your name as the original person to mention that version 9 is the latest.

Regarding AVG's support on AVG8

The sole reason AVG still supports old versions is not because of bugs (unless you count the entire program as buggy) The reason is because not everyone updates straight away

But since AVG9 has been out for many months now, I think we can be satisfied that its the latest working version :)

I don't know the AVG's reasons for still fully supporting 8.5, all I know is that they do. The point of my comment was to inform the original poster that the version he/she is using is protecting him as well as version 9 will (until AVG discontinues their support of 8.x). Do you follow the AVG free forum? I do. While many of the version 9 bugs have been ironed out, and as I said, many people are running version 9 without issue, there still does seem to be a lot of people posting about problems with this newest version. I simply thought the OP should be aware of this (if they were not already). It is totally their choice whether they keep AVG 8.5, go to 9, go to avira, or go to any other AV.

I have suggested to uninstall it (plus obviously to run the removal tool) Mainly because why bother informing AVG? You inform them.

I was reinforcing what AdvancedSetup suggested. MBAM cannot fix this as it is an AVG issue, therefore AVG need to be informed in order for them to correct it. I am not having this problem because I have added all MBAM folders and files to my AVG exclusion list (as per the recommendation in the FAQ in the pinned topic above). Since I am not having the problem I don't see that I should inform them, however I thought the OP might like to know how to go about this.

Mean while Free Avira seems to be going along strong without issue.

Yes I promote free Avira Antivirus, only because I truly believe its the best (ie way better than AVG) I also believe Malwarebytes is the best Anti-Malware tool as well.

People can make their own minds up, and use what they like. But I will say I've seen more malware issues with AVG installed than Avira. Plus it seems to work well for me :) But I'm not bias, because if I find something better then I'll suggest that (free of course) At this stage, and at least for the last year or so, I believe Free Avira and Malwarebytes to be the best malware protection/disinfection of them all :)

So stick with old AVG8 or AVG8.5 if you like, and ponder why on earth they updated to the next, as you say, buggy version.

Yes I've seen & heard excellent things about Avira, and I am looking into changing to it or MSE when support for AVG 8.5 ends. I agree that people can make up their own minds.

@ chimpy

That's good to hear. They must have corrected the FP ( 8.5 & 9 use the same virus definition files). :)

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@ josphoto Yes like the others said it is free as is noted in my sig :)

@catscomputer I saw the issue with MBAM and AVG on the here and decided wait a few weeks to update MBAM and scan with it till AVG sorted out the issue but if 8.5 and 9 have the same def files then I wonder why some people get the warning and others do not :)

Also AVG said 8.5 would no longer be supported on December 1st (free version I think) so I updated thinking I had no choice, Have they changed their minds?


Ah I looked and found this hxxp://forums.avg.com/gb-en/avg-free-forum?sec=thread&act=show&id=39963 damn if only I had seen it before... never mind :)

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@ chimpy

Yes I've been keeping an eye out on that page for news about the official end date, because I am intending to change AVs when support for 8.5 ends (or maybe even before, we'll see.....). Don't kick yourself chimpy because AVG9 installed beautifully for you and has been running really well ( last I heard anyway :) )

I'm only guessing, but it's possible that some people who are not affected by these recurrent AVG FPs have missed the definition files that caused the FPs. AVG free only updates automatically every 24hrs (though you can manually update as often as you like), and so it's easy to miss one, or have it corrected by the time you next update (if you get what I mean?) The other possibility is they've read the FAQ here and excluded all MBAM files in AVG (like me!)

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Ah right catscomputer, its true it installed perfectly for me but now I am having a little issue with it not picking up a TC that loads everytime I boot up, sometimes it finds it and sometimes it does not.

Its not a big deal as the cookie is meant to be there but still its a little perplexing as to why it just picks it up when it feels like it :D

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Well instead of dumping AVG for Avira and after deciding not to upgrade to AVG 9 I instead took the FAQ advice here and excluded all MBAM files in my AVG 8.5.....Ran AVG and came out clean, then ran MBAM and also came out clean....so I'm happy :D

thanks to all for the advice!

We are happy you finally took in ALL the advice thrown at you and made a final decision -

Please call back if you want or need further information - :)

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Well instead of dumping AVG for Avira and after deciding not to upgrade to AVG 9 I instead took the FAQ advice here and excluded all MBAM files in my AVG 8.5.....Ran AVG and came out clean, then ran MBAM and also came out clean....so I'm happy :D

thanks to all for the advice!

Now all you need to worry about is the next time AVG decides to kill some of our files, which seems to happen about 1-2 times a month resulting reinstalling the software. One of these days those guys will get it right.

But it's easier just not to use it.

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