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Few more banners

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just to be sure, are people reading the banners in left to right then top to bottom order or from top to bottom then left to right order? since they are not all in one line on my display, I made use of the columns in my post - but I just realized that *I* might be the only one seeing 2 columns....

E.g. this is how they appear on *my* display....


I suppose the easiest thing would be to ask Paul to edit his post and put a hard {CR} after each set of image tags so that they are forced to appear in a single column?


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Thanks for the comments B) I dunno, maybe I should have set up a voting for these as welll. I closed the other poll as it stayed where it was for a couple days so...

@Marcin, I'll leave it up to you if you want me to set up a voting for these as well. Maybe have a final between the other 3 and then from here or is that too much? Just trying to narrow them down for you ;)

@John, They are in one column for me minimized or maxed just to let you know but it helps especially if I set up a voting to know that they may be in two columns for others so thanks!



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