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I think I broke, a part of a program when running Malwarebytes..

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Alright, so I ran a scan when one of my other programs wasn't updating. Well, the can worked, and the other program in question updated. But Discord, refused to run. It has an, "Unable to update" message, and keeps trying again to it's own utter failure. I've been having this issue since, about, 1/25, maybe? As my emails with the discord help desk date back to about that far. I tried all their troubleshooting techniques, which, did mean uninstalling Malwarebytes. Now the help desk is thinking I might have broken it during that scan, and they don't think they can help me further. Because I uninstalled the program, I can't see what was quarantined before the uninstall, and well, Safari doesn't seem to be working either, but I don't use that so I don't really care. It started opening up randomly while I was trying to fix the discord issue, so I ran the scan again. Now it doesn't seem to be able to connect to even yahoo. I don't know if this is even part of the same problem, I just, really want my discord app to be able to run again, as the browser, is, actually pretty inconvenient. Especially if you're trying to work on a couple of projects at once and carry a conversation.

I'm getting incredibly frustrated, please help me.

Screen Shot 2023-02-10 at 4.51.19 PM.png

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First we probably need to know what version of macOS you are using here.

To see what files have been Quarantined, check to see if the following location still exists after uninstalling Malwarebytes:

/Library/Applications Support/Malwarebytes/MBAM/Quarantine/

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Your macOS is two versions and 3-½ months out-of-date, which make troubleshooting any issues you have much more difficult for all help desks.

From everything you've outlined so far, it sounds much more like you are experiencing Internet connectivity problems for some reason. It's almost certainly doesn't involve Malwarebytes which wouldn't cause any of the issues you have described. Although I have Discord installed on my Big Sur Mac, I've never found a need to use it and Malwarebytes never quarantined any part of it.

The Malwarebytes staff won't be in until Monday morning, so you are probably stuck with a few of us Mac users for now.

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If it is internet, it's the only thing not working with my connection. Well, the only thing that matters. The discord help desk even had me start up a second profile on my computer and the program still didn't run. Discord is actually compatible with lesser os versions, so I know that's not the problem. I also admit I don't always update my OS because sometimes it breaks my smaller, cheaper, but often used programs. I don't have a problem with help from fellow mac users.

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  • Staff

If Malwarebytes had quarantined something, it would not have done so silently. It would have shown a notification in the macOS Notification Center (unless you turned off notifications for Malwarebytes). If you didn't see such a notification, it's unlikely anything was quarantined... especially since we haven't had any other reports of such an issue with Discord. (Also, we haven't gotten any reports of Malwarebytes interfering with the update process of any legitimate programs.)

Unfortunately, since you uninstalled, we have no way to know what might have happened, and can't verify whether something was or wasn't quarantined. All components of the software, including the quarantine database, are removed during uninstall.

My suspicion, based on what you've said and that you had problems with two different programs updating, is that Al is probably correct. This sounds like a possible internet connectivity issue. Not an overall connectivity issue, but possibly something that is blocking connections to certain sites or by certain apps. Are you using anything like Little Snitch, Lulu, or some other security software that has the capability to block connections per app or per server?

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I did get notices of what was quarantined, but you did sadly confirm my suspicions that I won't be able to tell what did it if it did. I am not using other apps such as Little snitch, Lulu, or any other security Software. Perhaps it is something I can go to my local shop to have fixed..

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Been there, done that. More times than I can count. A few more oddities have shown up since, so, I'm taking the computer to the shop. Over the last two days, I've been given reason to believes this might be a symptom of a larger problem. Thanks for the help though. I do appreciate the effort.

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  • Staff

Yeah, sorry we couldn't help more. If you've got a good local shop that does a good job, that's probably the best bet.

We could try having you run our support tool, but it's really designed mostly to 1) identify problems with Malwarebytes software, and 2) identify potential traces of malware. Sometimes we can use the data it collects to diagnose other issues unrelated to those two things, but that's not really what it's meant for.

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They did a factory reset basically. Cloned over my data, reinstalled the over all OS, (Or something like that. I'm not the Most tec savvy) and then put my files back. This was after about 3 days of trying everything else, much like I had already done. They really tried everything. I'm surprised they only charged me 85 bucks for the time spent.

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16 minutes ago, akuta777 said:

I'm surprised they only charged me 85 bucks for the time spent.

Keep their number. Apple repair does not usually come at that low of a cost.

17 minutes ago, akuta777 said:

They did a factory reset basically.

I had a feeling this would end up being the case.

Thanks for updating us with the solution.

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