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Upgrading an OS


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I was just reading the thread in the Updates & Alerts forum, and I have a question. I have never upgraded an OS before, and I'm curious to know if you lose all your non-windows applications when you update the OS? Do you have to uninstall your other programmes beforehand, and then reinstall them after upgrading (provided they are compatible, of course). What about the unwanted "crapware" that is bundled with computers when you buy them - does it preseve those things if you upgrade? Or you you end up with a clean install of Windows?

(Apologies for not knowing such basic things...)

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I formated 2 pc's - last month or July, anyway it defaults back to the original OS... which means I had to load (on an XP home box) SP2 & 3, all the ms patches, hotfixs, the crapware" that is bundled with computers -- I did not have to reload... Thing like the address book (unless you have backups) are gone.. Spell checker for OE was gone. On the other box I went from XP home to Pro.. pretty much the same.. always back up your documents, that you intend to put on your next pc.... does this help in part? upgrading from win95 to 98 all my data was gone..don't you love windows :D

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I formated 2 pc's - last month or July, anyway it defaults back to the original OS... which means I had to load (on an XP home box) SP2 & 3, all the ms patches, hotfixs, the crapware" that is bundled with computers -- I did not have to reload... Thing like the address book (unless you have backups) are gone.. Spell checker for OE was gone. On the other box I went from XP home to Pro.. pretty much the same.. always back up your documents, that you intend to put on your next pc.... does this help in part? upgrading from win95 to 98 all my data was gone..don't you love windows :blink:

Thanks for replying yardbird. :D Just to make sure we're on the same page - if I upgrade to Windows 7 with discs, are you saying I'll lose all the software I've downloaded and all the files etc I've created since the PC left the store with Vista and all the crapware pre-installed? I can live with having to re-download software (considering I want to change a lot of it anyway), and I am happy to back up my files and re-load them, but I don't want the crapware at all. How annoying is it that the only thing you DON'T want is preserved?! Oh well... yes, gotta love Windows. :D

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Yep! sorry I missed the sub title of your topic

Vista to Windows 7
its a good question! I like to play it safe, with backups of data. SO if you go to Vista or Win 7 -- I'm not sure. I've heard some say its gone/its still there? So is is set in stone that it will be saved!!! would say no. you need more posts on this. as for the pre-installed crapware, theres always a way to remove that... let see what others have to say...before I put my foot in my mouth again :blink:

EDIT: another good question is 64 bit vs. 32 bit.. some 32 bit programs don't work in 64bit.....and so on..

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OK. Thanks Yardbird :blink: If I do upgrade I'll definitely play it safe and make sure I've copied all my files to a disc or external hard drive or something. Murphy's law will no doubt apply if I didn't.

Interestingly I went window shopping for laptops the other day, as I'm looking to buy a new one soon-ish (depending on how that money tree grows), and I was really disappointed to find out that it is impossible to buy a laptop without crapware! So whether I buy a new PC or upgrade, I shall be back to ask if anyone would be so kind to assist me removing the unwanted stuff.

EDIT - re your edit. Yup, I'd considered the 32 bit to 64bit issue. Will be getting a 32bit again probably.

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I ran that question by exile360 & he said go with the 64bit.. with all this new software on its way out... well let me see if I can find ex.... cause I'm planning on building my own tower, I've done it it the past... and ex sent me a nice list.... so I'm good there.

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If you're buying a new PC there's no reason not to go with x64. It's more secure and just about everything is compatible with it now. However, if you're buying the OS off the shelf for your current system you should go with 32 bit, but that's besides the point because you'd have to anyway. The only way MS will let you install a 64 bit upgrade version is if the OS being replaced is also 64 bit and the same goes for 32 bit. I can't upgrade from my 64 bit version of Vista to 32 bit Windows 7 as MS's licensing doesn't allow it and it wouldn't install.

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Thanks exile. If I buy a new PC (as opposed to get Windows 7 disks and upgrade) then I would consider 64bit after learning a little more about it here. My question was really about if all the crapware that came with my pre-installed Vista HP would be preserved if I upgraded the same computer to Windows 7.

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Yep, the crapware would still be there if you upgraded, but if you did a clean install (which I do believe is possible using upgrade media as long as a previous version of Windows is present on the drive) then none of it would be on there :) .

As for going x64 with a new PC, you'd likely never know the difference, but you'd be a bit more secure :) .

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Yep, the crap-ware would still be there if you upgraded, but if you did a clean install (which I do believe is possible using upgrade media as long as a previous version of Windows is present on the drive) then none of it would be on there :) .

This is just to confer with exile360..... The crap-ware will still be there, and if you do an upgrade and do not select the section to format, it will retain your programs and files as well.

You can also use an upgrade CD/DVD to install on a fresh new computer. You can do it using two cd rom drives and during the upgrade it will search for previous versions/media and it will find it, or you can just swap out the cd's when prompted to search for a previous version. I have done this many times.

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No problem Mountaintree.

Crapware is all the (mostly unwanted) software you get pre-installed when you buy a computer that has the OS loaded on already. Examples are Norton or McAffee trials, MS Office 60 day trials, Wild Tangent, Lightscribe, GetOpenOffice.org, AIM... I can't remember all of them but they are some of the things that came with mine.

It is actually impossible to buy a computer in NZ that comes with ONLY Windows, and also you can't buy one that comes with separate OS disks - everything is pre-installed and you have to make your own recovery disks (which my computer repair man tells me only work 50% of the time). I got the repair man to make an image of my computer to an external HD using some particular software. just in case of a disaster that requires reformatting.

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@ catscomputer

Thanks for explaining that to me! I noticed in some Java updates, it advertises openoffice.org :/

isn't WildTangent kinda considered spyware or something?

I didn't know that AIM came with some computers. I used to use it, but now I use Pidgin as my instant messaging software

( http://pidgin.im/ ) great little program, I love it :)

That's really crappy that computers come with all this crud :) I didn't even realize that until I came to this forum :)

Good luck upgrading, and I hope it goes smoothly and crapware free :)

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@ catscomputer

ohh okay. I think you're right! I don't really computer game either - just Solitaire and Minesweeper and such that come with the computer. Lots of time has been spent by me playing Solitaire, hehe.

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In case it helps , the Nov 09 issue of PC Pro covers the subject of Crapware ( which new PC's are better and worse) and how to remove some of the least worthwhile stuff. It also discusses upgrading from XP/Vista to Windows 7 as I recall - what software is retained and what is lost. I know they have an online version of the mag so you might be able to read about it there?

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