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Premium - Scanning ONLY 20,319 Files

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Confirmed that the Mac version also only looks where currently active malware is known to install itself. Much more efficient than checking every file on your computer, bogging down the CPU for hours as legacy AV scanners do. Since it scans all known locations there is no need for the user to designate what is being scanned.

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Is it dynamic as it is on Windows, where the Researchers may modify the scan/add new locations to the scan whenever they are discovered via database updates (rather than waiting for a new program version to be released)?  I assume it checks everything loaded into memory for threats as well, meaning even malware running from an odd location should still be discovered as its process and associated file will be checked, is that accurate?

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It is dynamic with the ability to check for an updated database when new threats are discovered, but not certain whether that includes new locations or just new signatures. Malware installation locations are reasonably standard due to the way macOS operates and recent restrictions that prevent anyone but Apple from installing or modifying files in many critical System only areas. That said, I do recall at least one occasion when a new program version had to be released to adjust to a threat, so locations may or may not be dynamic. I'm sure @treed will let us know tomorrow.

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8 minutes ago, Popeye said:

Nice scan time @RaptorScrew Better than what I get.

Yes, much better than mine. Beside depending on the speed of one's Mac, it also must be related to the number of files contained in key places, such as /Applications and ~/Downloads. I know I have much more in those to locations than most users would, being a pack rat of sorts.

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  • Staff
On 8/11/2020 at 6:42 PM, exile360 said:

Is it dynamic as it is on Windows, where the Researchers may modify the scan/add new locations to the scan whenever they are discovered via database updates (rather than waiting for a new program version to be released)?

Yes! The locations are highly dynamic, and can change with every update to the database. There's no fixed list.

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