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LA Zoo pics


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Big cat taking a big catnap and a smirking giraffe :P 

That swan appears to have 'teeth' on its tongue.  That's crazy.  I guess that's to hold onto the fish once it grabs it with its mouth so that it can force it down its throat without it flipping, flopping and slip-sliding away.

Nice pics Ron :) 

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Great pictures Ron!  I thoroughly enjoyed them!

I wish I could pet the meercats, hehehe.

I too was unaware that a swan's mouth was like that, very cool to learn about!

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  • Root Admin

A couple of images I've taken recently. I was shooting through some grass blades on the Tiger picture which gave it the green cast like light leaks



Flamingo, Greater



Tiger, Sumatran


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  • Root Admin
1 hour ago, sman said:

Ron. would love to see more of your collections..

I did have a few topics about image posts over the years but sadly the IPS forum updates magically lost, damaged the image posts so they're all gone now. I could go back and re-post them at some point I suppose


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