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Just a heads up - 1.0.508, system hard freeze

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about 2 hours ago I checked for an  application update under settings the application tab  found an update and installed it after it installed  my computer started  hard freezing

 over and over again  I then uninstalled  the Malware bytes all together and the freezes went away ... so I reinstalled Malwarebytes and the freezes came back


I downgraded to the version before the update and everything in fine now


attached is a screenshot of my about screen when i was running the problem update

the only difference between that and what i'm running now is the component package


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If you are having technical issues with our Windows product, please do the following: 


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If you wouldn't mind, please do the following so that we might collect some info about your system configuration to help in replicating and troubleshooting this issue:

  1. Download and run the Malwarebytes Support Tool
  2. Accept the EULA and click Advanced tab on the left (not Start Repair)
  3. Click the Gather Logs button, and once it completes, attach the zip file it creates on your desktop to your next reply


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1 hour ago, Angelus said:

I no longer have that version installed as I said I downgraded to the previous version but here is your zip


Thanks, I just wanted to get info about your system such as the OS you're running and other software and hardware that's installed etc. (which the logs show, so thanks) so that the team may take a look and try to replicate your environment to hopefully replicate the issue and find the cause so that they may report it to the Developers to get it fixed.

In the meantime, did you see the issue reported by the user above where your internet connectivity was lost at first and do you know if disabling Web Protection helped at all?  I ask because if not, then it is probably an unrelated issue and I don't want the team thinking that they are the same only to end up looking at the wrong things to try and find the fixes for each reported problem.

Also, specifically with regards to things I noticed; I only took a cursory look at your logs, but did note that you have User Account Control disabled.  It isn't definitely the cause, but it is possible as Malwarebytes, like pretty much all current software, is designed to be fully compatible and compliant with UAC, so having it disabled, especially during installations and upgrades, could lead to issues with the installation and initialization of Malwarebytes' components, services, drivers and processes as well as filesystem and registry access, which are all things that could easily result in system instability, including possibly the type of issue you are reporting.  Again, I'm not saying it is definitely the cause, only that it is a possibility as we've seen issues when users had UAC disabled in the past so if you are willing, it might be worth a shot to try re-enabling UAC (let us know if you need instructions on how to reset it to defaults and we'll provide them), restarting your system, then reinstalling the latest build to test and see if that resolves the issue or not and letting us know how it goes.

I understand if you don't wish to try troubleshooting this further, so no worries if you'd rather not re-enable UAC and reinstall the newest version, but if you are willing it could help us to track down the issue, or at least eliminate a potential cause.

Thanks, and thanks for reporting this issue.  Hopefully regardless of what the cause is, they'll be able to isolate and correct it quickly.

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  • tetonbob changed the title to Just a heads up - 1.0.508, system hard freeze

Well I have been running Malwarebytes 2008 and I have never had UAC  turned on it's one of the first things I turn off cause it gets in the way

However I am willing to reinstall and turn it on but I can't do it right now the computer is a family computer and if it locks up again over the weekend they will kill me!


However it does look like you have other reports of this issue  so it's not just me.. so that's a plus

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  • 4 weeks later...
4 minutes ago, Angelus said:

Does that mean it's safe to turn on Web protection... the system lockups should be fixed?


Additionally, please be advised we're aware of a number of Windows 7 systems slowing down or freezing under certain circumstances, although we have significant resources fully committed to solve the problem as soon as possible in an upcoming release, this update is not intended to address this issue.



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