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High CPU Utilization by MalwareBytes

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Hello @Mandy116

You are on an older build that had some performance issues.

Our latest MB 3.4.5 build  has a fix for this issue.

Can you please try this :

1. Download the latest build from https://downloads.malwarebytes.com/file/mb3

2. Run the installer on top of the existing product, no need to uninstall anything.

3. Please let us know if you are still seeing the issue after upgrade to MB 3.4.5

Thank you.

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Thanks for replying.  I did as you said.  It seemed to install OK, but at the end, I got an error message:  Could Not Delete Service.

I also had a request to reboot, and I did so.  After the reboot I tried to run MalwareBytes to check the version and I got the popup message: Unable to Start / Unable to Connect the Service.

After the reboot there is a MalwareBytes service running and It's consuming 15% or so of the CPU.

Any ideas?


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Before all this started I checked the MalwareBytes application from the System Tray and it said the version was Up To Date so I didn't think I needed an update.

I rebooted a few more times.  When I checked the services (services.msc) I saw the MalwareBytes service in a state of Stopping with a StartUp type of Disabled.  When I noticed that, I ran the MalwareBytes Uninstall program and rebooted.  I still have the service in a state of Stopping and consuming high CPU.  I no longer have a MalwareBytes or UninstallMalwareBytes program.

After more reboots, ultimately, I was able to stop the cycle by ending the task a few times in Task Manager.  I rebooted and there's no trace of Malware bytes in Task Manager or Services.  Do you think it's safe to install version 3.4.5 in the link you gave above?

Edited by Mandy116
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Hello @Mandy116

Before you install MB 3.4.5 lets make sure everything is cleaned from your system.

  1. Download mb-clean from https://downloads.malwarebytes.com/file/mb3_clean
  2. Run mb-clean and let it remove everything

If the tool finds something, it will clean up and ask you to reboot.

After reboot the tool will automatically prompt you to download the latest 3.4.5 build.

After running the tool if nothing is found, you can safely install MB 3.4.5 yourself.

Let us know if that worked.

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It's working and not consuming a lot of resources.

However it installed as a trial.  I had the reference number from the email confirming the purchase.  It took some doing to setup an account and get the license Key and License ID. 

I wouldn't have guessed that the account site and the Forum sites could utilize different ID / eMail / passwords.  That was confusing as well.

This was a lot of work to fix a performance problem. 

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