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BSOD caused by MWAC.sys

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You don't have to sign up for anything with WeTransfer if you do it the way I described (it doesn't prompt you for your email or anything).  You just click "I Agree", then the round blue ... button, select Link below where it says Send as then click the blue ... button again, click Add File, select the first of the split files and once it has uploaded the file, it will display the link for you to copy/paste into your reply.  You do the same for the second of the split files and you're done.

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Yep, unfortunately dealing with such a large file takes a while.  Uploading will take even longer more than likely (unless you have a really fast internet connection, in which case I envy you because I'm on DSL :P ).

Thanks for doing this though.  These dumps are about the only way to reliably diagnose a crash like this.

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just got a PM asking me to test a new build that should solve the issue. It's downloading as I type this.


with the version i'm currently on, I think i have found the triggers. the BSOD occurs with in the first minute of waking a computer from sleep, or with in the first minute after logging in when the PC has fast start up enabled

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during the setup process of the build i was asked to test, at the end i received an error message.

"unable to contact license server. check your network settings or contact your system administrator for help."


although i click OK button, the message comes up again. can not escape from error to continue setup process.


NOTE: after clicking OK multiple times (around 12 times) message finally went away

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16 hours ago, bkray1 said:

...I have been having extremely long shut down issues in excess of ten min. Once I removed malwarebytes, shutdowns are back to normal.

For the long shutdown issues, if you disable Ransomware Protection does that alleviate the issue?  I ask because I've seen similar issues on my own system and this typically helps most of the time.

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Hi Exile,

I wasn't aware that was an option but will look into it. I just uninstalled the entire program and have yet to reinstall it. I thought I would have time this weekend but never got around to it. The startup and shutdown issues are gone now that the program is uninstalled. 

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That's excellent, thanks for letting us know.  Hopefully the new version that includes this fix will be ready for release soon.  I don't know where things stand as of now internally, but originally the plan was to release it around the end of this month if it was ready, so if they are still able to proceed on that same schedule, we should at least see a public beta in the next few days.

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The beta/update has indeed appeared to have fixed the BSOD, as I have not encountered another since updating. I did still have issues with long shutdown times, leading to restarts going into recovery mode. Once I did as Exile suggested "For the long shutdown issues, if you disable Ransomware Protection does that alleviate the issue?" and I turned off that portion, I no longer have shutdown issues.



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