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Malwarebytes 3.3.1 extremely slows down Startup

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i use Malwarebytes pro and it really almost crashes my system at startup and it takes sometimes up to 4 Minutes till my system starts up. But when i uninstall the programm the startup is like 10 seconds. I read in some forums that i have to exclude the exe Files of the programm in Antivirus software, i did that but no help. i also tried to disable self protection module but also did not change anything also i reinstalled the application but no changes. So my question is how i can really fix the issue?

Please find the attached file which are the requested files.





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1 hour ago, csize said:

So my question is how i can really fix the issue?

Let us get a clean install of the current version.

Download and run MB-CLEAN

  • Download MB-CLEAN
  • Close all open applications
  • Double-click and run mb-clean-
  • A prompt with an option to clean up the system will appear: click Yes
    • Yes - will proceed with backing up the license key (Malwarebytes 3.x only) and initiating the cleanup process
  • Once the cleanup process is completed, a prompt will appear:
    • Yes - will proceed and post reboot you will be prompted to continue with the downloading, installation and activation of latest version of Malwarebytes 3
    • No - will exit the utility and you will not be prompted (post reboot) to download, reinstall and re-activate (not recommended)
      • We recommend rebooting immediately. Additionally, stopping at this step is not recommended and will most likely not resolve your issue(s).
  • Upon reboot, a prompt will appear: click Yes
    • Yes - will download, install and activate the latest version of Malwarebytes 3
    • No - will exit the utility and Malwarebytes 3 will not be downloaded, reinstalled or re-activated (not recommended)

 If it does not offer the new install after the reboot you can download and install from here. 


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Another thing you can try to see if it helps with your slow startup....

  1. Open Malwarebytes
  2. Click on Settings
  3. Click on Protection Tab
  4. Enable "Delay Real-Time Protection when Malwarebytes starts"
  5. Set "Delay protection for: setting (in my example I choose 60 Seconds)

Now reboot and see if it improves (you may have play with the delay for best results)




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  • 3 weeks later...
On 3.2.2018 at 4:12 PM, Porthos said:

Let us get a clean install of the current version.

Download and run MB-CLEAN

  • Download MB-CLEAN
  • Close all open applications
  • Double-click and run mb-clean-
  • A prompt with an option to clean up the system will appear: click Yes
    • Yes - will proceed with backing up the license key (Malwarebytes 3.x only) and initiating the cleanup process
  • Once the cleanup process is completed, a prompt will appear:
    • Yes - will proceed and post reboot you will be prompted to continue with the downloading, installation and activation of latest version of Malwarebytes 3
    • No - will exit the utility and you will not be prompted (post reboot) to download, reinstall and re-activate (not recommended)
      • We recommend rebooting immediately. Additionally, stopping at this step is not recommended and will most likely not resolve your issue(s).
  • Upon reboot, a prompt will appear: click Yes
    • Yes - will download, install and activate the latest version of Malwarebytes 3
    • No - will exit the utility and Malwarebytes 3 will not be downloaded, reinstalled or re-activated (not recommended)

 If it does not offer the new install after the reboot you can download and install from here. 


Thanks for replying. I applied both methods but no changes, any other solutions? We have more than 10 Licenses of this product, on every pc we have the same problem, i would say specially with malwarebytes 3 has this problem occured, if it can not be solved we might have to uninstall the product.

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53 minutes ago, csize said:

I applied both methods but no changes, any other solutions?

Please get a new set of logs please.

Please use an Administrator account when doing the following,

  1. FIRST: Create and obtain Farbar Recovery Scan Tool (FRST) logs
  2. Download FRST and save it to your desktop. Tell any program that blocks it to ignore or allow. It IS SAFE. It contains no info that can identify or harm you.
  3. NOTE: You need to run the version compatible with your system. You can check here if you're not sure if your computer is 32-bit or 64-bit
  4. Double-click to run FRST and when the tool opens click "Yes" to the disclaimer
  5. Press the "Scan" button
  6. This will produce two files in the same location (directory) as FRST: FRST.txt and Addition.txt
    NOTE: These two files will be collected by the MB-Check Tool and added to the zip file for you
  7. NEXT: Create and obtain an mb-check log
  8. Download MB-Check and save to your desktop
  9. Double-click to run MB-Check and within a few second the command window will open, then click "OK"
  10. This will produce one log file on your desktop: mb-check-results.zip
  11. Attach this file to your forum post by clicking on the "Drag files here to attach, or choose files..." or simply drag the file to the attachment area
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12 minutes ago, csize said:


please find the attached file. The log is from another PC this time, since Malwarebytes had to be removed from the previous system.


I am going to let staff look this over and see if there are any known issues with the version of Trend micro you use. @dcollins@nikhils@vbarytskyy

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30 minutes ago, dcollins said:

@csize the logs you provided, are they from a computer experiencing the issue as well? You mention it's a different one.

yes, it is as said all the computers have the same problem. The computer which i sent a log from it in the beginning does not have malwarebytes pro on it anymore it is removed. But this log is from another computer which has the same problem.

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  • 3 weeks later...

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