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IE problem

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My friend just called and ever since he updated his itunes, now he cannot access the internet? When he types in google, it says cannot find google.comhttp: . He updated via the update link through apple, so i dont think this is a virus problem. His other computer runs fine, so it is not an internet connection problem. It seems to be adding an http after the .com??? Any thoughts on what settings might have been changed? Uninstalled itunes and still has the problem?

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  • Root Admin

Export and post the following keys please.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\UrlTemplate



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Export and post the following keys please.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\UrlTemplate



Thanks AS. I was trying to help a friend of mine who lives out of town. He ended up going to his IT dept. today. I appreciate the help :rolleyes:

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Export and post the following keys please.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\UrlTemplate



Hey AS. Issue is still happening, but ONLY when he is at home?? Everything is fine when at work. I'm trying to get him to send me these Registry keys. Could these keys be the problem, even though everything works fine at his work???

ps. i had him download FF and he gets the same message. Also, when he goes to banking sites, he gets a different error message (if that means anything). Thanks for any suggestions.

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  • Root Admin

If he is taking the SAME computer to work and its working correctly and NOT working at home then my guess is that his router has been infected. I would try doing a RESET on the router, then going back onto the router and set a password so that only he knows the password.

If it was the actual computer infected then it should be messed up at his work as well.

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If he is taking the SAME computer to work and its working correctly and NOT working at home then my guess is that his router has been infected. I would try doing a RESET on the router, then going back onto the router and set a password so that only he knows the password.

If it was the actual computer infected then it should be messed up at his work as well.

He has another computer that works fine though?? <_< If the router was the issue, then wouldnt the other computer be doing the same thing? Thanks!

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  • Root Admin

Well I think you need more exact details. Not sure what's going on but seems difficult to believe that the PC goes to the wrong place at home, but works properly at work, yet another PC at home on the home network is not affected.

There must be something else going on there just not sure what.

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Well I think you need more exact details. Not sure what's going on but seems difficult to believe that the PC goes to the wrong place at home, but works properly at work, yet another PC at home on the home network is not affected.

There must be something else going on there just not sure what.

I know. Its tough because I'm trying to help him from another city over the phone. If I can get some more details, then I'll post back. Thanks AS

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