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[ RESOLVED ] Diffrent amount of files scanned

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Hello all, 

I`ve got a small problem. I was scanning my PC, using Malwarebytes free. I`ve used to do so on a daily basis, always in the evening.

Since I`ve formated my harddrive, for the last 3 months in the final raport I had an information about the amount of files scanned - it was always about 350k files scanned. But yesterday, while performing usual scanning, it showed up that only 270k files were scanned. Is it even possible that Malwarebytes free can not see the rest of 80k files?

Is there anything to be worried about?

I`ve used Avast to scan my PC as well:
- Ive scanned all partition separatedly
- Ive scanned the whole harddrive
- Ive performed scanning while running on the system

Avast did not show up any viruses etc.

Anyone else had a problem like that?

Thanks in advance for your help!

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Same. Came here actually to want to post about it cause it has been doing this for me since aroud thursday friday.

Was starting to get really worried about it because it was still going on now and thought something was rather wrong with my mbam.

It just almost looks as if it just entirely skips the registry part of scanning just like what user "sunsets" said.

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@Shinda, @sunsets, @Jeji

I was able to get more information from our team. We did some cleaning up on our databases and started using more signature-less scanning for better efficiency. Since there is less rules now, less number of objects scanned will show. The scans are still working correctly, just better technology is being implemented so we can be faster and smarter in our scanning techniques. 

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Just as an FYI to those who are curious, the areas which are scanned by Threat scans can be modified by the Research team via database updates, so when a location is discovered that threats are not using for installing themselves/hiding, the Researchers can remove it from the database and likewise, whenever a new location is discovered to be used by malware, they can add it in a database update so that it gets checked by default.

Also beyond that, all running processes are checked regardless of where they are running from so you don't have to worry about an active threat being missed just because it resides in a folder not checked by Malwarebytes by default.

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