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Malwarebytes Would Not Let Me Renew

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I started getting notices that my premium subscription was about to end. I tried for three days to renew
it and could not. I even opened a support ticket – Support Ticket 2140048 – on 11/19/2017 and I have
not received a response as of today 11/21/2017. Below is the text that I sent to support:

“I've been getting the notice that my Malwarebytes subscription was about to end (End Date
11/18/2017). For three days I've clicked on the Renew Now button and tells me I'm all set. Yet it has
not renewed. I even changed payment and get this message: Change payment option for your
subscription #SXXXXXX You have successfully updated your payment details for your subscription.
You will receive an email with further information about your payment at the appropriate time. On
11/18/2017 you will be charged $0.00 by cleverbridge using the same contact and billing information
on file for Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Premium. What can I do to renew my subscription?”

This morning I was really agitated over the lack of support and replied to the initial automated email
created for ticket 2140048 with the following, “It is now 11/21/2017 and I’ve received no response on
how to renew my subscription. I can’t continue without malware protection so I guess I’m going to
look into other products from other vendors as it seems Malwarebytes has no intention or desire to keep
me as a customer.”

After much research it seems that Malwarebytes is still top rated. I've been with Malwarebytes for a
few years and I would like to continue, however now I no longer have the option to renew as the time
frame has passed and must purchase a new license at a higher price than I've been paying.

What am I missing? Why could I not renew my license? Why did I not get a response to my support

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have the same problem. I am due to update on 1-12-18 and have been unable to do so. There is apparently no way to get throuugh to Malwarebytes staff to get it fixed.

I wonder how t renew this program?



I get this message when asked to Confirm my renewal.

"File not found

The page that you requested cannot be found on this server. This might have the following reasons:

  • The link you are using is not valid anymore or wrong.
  • You have not entered the URL correctly.
  • The page does not exist anymore.

If you have gotten to this page over a certain URL, please inform the owner over the page that offered this link so that he can update his page."

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Sorry, the problem won't permit me to produce a support ticket. It tells me to fill out a form but there is no form. LOL.  I can't even log in again on other areas of Malwarebytes. Apparently it's too difficult or I'm not skillful enough to navigate Malwarebytes support. The chat is even shut off. I guess that I will just let the existing program expire and that will be that.

Edited by GNM
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36 minutes ago, Porthos said:

What # is this? Want to make sure you were not scammed. MB does not have a phone #. Who exactly did you call.

Ha,  No worries.  I let  my  wife  do it and she never was able  to complete the call. I  understand that they don't have a  phone number now. We will let the expiration date come up in January and try to complete  the update process then,

Malwarebytes is difficult to contact.  I am able to  sign in here, but the support area to get where you get a support ticket rejects my ID and password.

Thanks for your concern.




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36 minutes ago, Porthos said:

You should not have to do anything next month.

Correct. That's what I meant. It's automatic.

Say, while I have your attention, check this phone number out for me, will you?  Don't call it, just tell me what you think that it is. When I input it to Google, a whole bunch of Malwarebytes websites come up.      800 520-2796.



36 minutes ago, Porthos said:




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I am having the same problem. After trying to use the green renewal button for a week (goes to page not found), I contacted Malwarebytes on 12/19/17 and got ticket 2170381; nothing heard back. Today, my subscription expires.  Sure could use some HELP.  I do hope your problem was successfully resolved. I know your frustration.   Odd, I want to give them money and they don't seem to want to receive it.

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